Certificate in Business Analytics

A Path for You to Have True Data Driven Business Decisions.

Businesses have seen an ever-increasing need for empirical information. The difference between failure and success often depends upon one’s ability to discover, transform, and interpret data to make informed decisions.

Class Information


Undergraduate degree in any major, familiarity with Excel and willingness to work with data.

Duration and Delivery

This program has two certificate levels. Basic and Advanced. Each level is 3 credit hours. Business Analytics – Basic is completed by May and Business Analytics-Advanced starts in August.

The program is completely online. All course material and videos will be posted online on Blackboard.  The instructor will meet with students every Wednesday online on Zoom at 6:30 PM. 


Certificate in Business Analytics – Basic (January-May)

Certificate in Business Analytics – Advanced (August-December)

Please Note:  Students can complete Spring Semester and get their Certificate in Business Analytics – Basic. 

Students who pass the qualifying exam for the Basic Certificate can receive credit for the Business Analytics course taught in the MBA program.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is the Certificate meant for?

The Certificate in Business Analytics is meant for anyone with an undergraduate degree and is interested in learning how to use data and data analytics to make decisions at their work.  This course will use Microsoft Excel and some additional software which will be added into Microsoft Excel.

How will the course be delivered?

This course is completely online. All course material and videos will be posted online on Blackboard.  The professor will meet with students every week online on Zoom on Wednesdays 6:30 PM.

Can I do just one part of the course?

Students can take Part I of the course and decide not to continue onto Part II. They will receive a modified Certificate with only Descriptive and Predictive Analytics.

Do I need a textbook for this Certificate Program?

There will be multiple books recommended but a participant in this program should be able to complete the entire course without a text book.

What pre-requisites are needed for this Certificate?

Undergraduate degree in any major, familiarity with Excel and willingness to work with data.

When the does course start?

The Business Analytics Basic program is in the Spring (January – May) and the Business Analytics Advanced is in the Fall (August – December)

Can I use credits from this Certificate for the MBA program at FMU?

At the end of each Part of this Certificate there is a qualifying exam which students can choose to take. Students who pass both qualifying exams of Part I and Part II will be given credit for the Business Analytics course taught in the MBA program.  They will get to convert the 6 credit hours of this Certificate program into 3 credit hours in the MBA program at Francis Marion University.

For more information, contact School of Business at 843-661-1420 or email: tracy.mcclam@fmarion.edu.

Fall Semester (Basic)

Data Distributions

Binomial, Hypergeometric, Poisson, Uniform, Exponential, Normal

Measures of Central Tendency and Dispersion

Mean, Median, Mode, Standard Deviation and Variance

Hypothesis Testing

One sample (Z test, T Test), Two sample (Independent sample Z and T tests, Matched Samples)

Analysis of Variance

Single Factor, Two Factor without Replication, Two Factor with Replication

Chi Square

Test of Independence, Distribution Fitting

Regression Analysis

Simple Regression
Multiple Regression
Multiple Regression with Categorical Variables
Multiple Regression with Interaction
Multiple Regression with Nonlinear variables

Data Mining

Discriminant Analysis and Logistic Regression
K-Nearest Neighbor
Classification Trees
Neural Networks
Naïve Bayes

Time Series Forecasting

Adaptive Forecasting

  • Simple Moving Average
  • Weighted Moving Average
  • Exponential Smoothing
  • Double Moving Average
  • Trend Corrected Exponential Smoothing (Holts Method)
  • Trend and Seasonality Corrected Exponential Smoothing (Winters Method)

Static Methods

  • Using Regression and Categorical Variables
  • Using Regression and de-seasonalized demand

Spring Semester (Advanced)

Introduction to Modeling and Simulation

Linear Programming

Sensitivity Analysis
Budget Allocation
Cash Flow Optimization Model
Advertising Allocation Model
Production Planning and Control Model
Make versus Buy Model
Blending Model
Investment Portfolio Optimization Model
Transportation Models
Transshipment Models
Logistics and Supply Chain Models
Shortest Path Model

Integer Linear Programing

Work force Scheduling Models
Capital Budgeting Optimization
Project Selection Models

Simulation and Optimization with Risk

Probability Distributions and Random Number Generation
Monte Carlo Methods
Statistical Analysis of Simulation Output and
Decision Making incorporating Risk


  • Dr. Rajagopalan Hari
    Dr. Hari Rajagopalan Dean of the School of Business, Eugene A Fallon Jr. Professor of Management HRajagopalan@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1420 Departments
    AccountingAccounting-School of BusinessBusiness AdministrationComputer ScienceEconomicsFinance-School of BusinessHuman Resource ManagementInformation Systems ManagementMarketingSchool of BusinessSupply Chain Management
    OfficeSOBE 125
    Additional information


    Ph.D., University of North Carolina - Charlotte Campus M.S., University of North Carolina - Charlotte Campus M.B.A., Delhi University B.E., Anna University

    Areas of Expertise

    Emergency Response Systems Location Analysis Supply Chain Management Complex Adaptive Systems


    Dr. Hari K. Rajagopalan joined the Francis Marion Faculty in 2006. He is Eugene A. Fallon Professor of Management as well as Dean of the School of Business at Francis Marion University. Dr. Rajagopalan teaches management science, operations management, and statistical model building and does research in location models, supply chain management and complex adaptive systems. His research has been published in academic journals such as Journal of Operations Research SocietyEuropean Journal of Operational ResearchComputers and Operations Research and Decision Support Systems. He is also an active participant in INFORMS: Decision Sciences ConferenceEuropean Working Group in Transportation Meeting, and Mini EURO Conference.

    photo of Hari Rajagopalan