School of Education
School of Education
Opportunity to influence future leaders
For more than 40 years the School of Education at Francis Marion University has played a critical role in preparing teachers for schools in South Carolina and beyond. Thousands of teachers, coaches, principals and administrators began their careers on our campus. Those men and women have gone on to affect the lives of millions.
We’re proud to be a part of that legacy, but we’re even more excited about the future.
The School of Education works hard to prepare new cadres of students for new challenges in tomorrow’s ever-changing world of education. We’re developing new methods, new programs and new processes that will allow us to keep pace.
At the same time we remember the values that have always been at our core. We will teach our students to have high standards, to be compassionate, to be (and to encourage) lifelong learning and to develop a deep, abiding personal interest in their students. We believe our faculty serves as a good model in that last regard.
If we do this we know that we will succeed and are assured that we will bring many more generations into this noblest of professions; into this teaching life we love.
We hope you’ll be a part of it.
Changing the numbers
The Center of Excellence at Francis Marion University works to prepare teachers of children of poverty to increase the achievement of children of poverty. We accomplish this by improving the quality of undergraduate teacher preparation, graduate teacher preparation, and the professional development of in-service teachers. More than half of all South Carolina’s schools have 70% or more of their students living in poverty.
Research indicates that 43% of a student’s academic performance can be traced to the quality of the teacher in the classroom.
At Francis Marion, we’re working to change the numbers by providing South Carolina with some of the highest qualified teachers in the state. The FMU Center of Excellence allows our students to have access to training, workshops and works to solve the problems inherent in educating children of poverty by developing expertise in those that work with these children on a daily basis.
Over the last four years, Francis Marion University has prepared more than 208 top quality educators who now teach in the state of South Carolina.

Time tested professionals with real-world experience
The Faculty in the School of Education at Francis Marion University are degreed professionals with real-world experience; most hold doctoral degrees in their fields of expertise.
The School of Education offers quality academic programs, extracurricular education-related clubs and organizations, study abroad programs and internship opportunities.

Teaching Fellows
Teaching Fellows at Francis Marion University may receive up to $6,000 in yearly scholarships during the time they are completing a degree leading to teacher licensure.
Upon graduation, a Teaching Fellow agrees to teach in South Carolina one year for every year he or she receives the Fellowship.
Teacher Cadet Program
The path to becoming an educator often begins long before the first step is taken at FMU.
We are proud to partner with local high schools to offer a Teacher Cadet program.