The Office of Institutional Research is devoted to obtaining empirical information to assist in the assessment of program effectiveness, research on institutional processes, development of strategic plans, and provision of a valid description of the characteristics of the University’s students, faculty, financial status, staff and facilities. Efforts are being made to increase the quality of our data, its format, and its availability to faculty and staff.

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Institutional Effectiveness Reports Evaluation

The primary Mission of the Office of Institutional Effectiveness is to ensure that the processes and expected results that are outlined in the Francis Marion University Mission Statement are planned for and evaluated in a regular and systematic manner. The Office of Institutional Effectiveness encourages continuous assessment and improvement of academic programs, student support offices, and administrative services by providing leadership and actively participating in the strategic planning and evaluation processes for the University.

All academic degree programs and support services of the University complete an annual assessment to evaluate their “success in meeting program goals and missions.” Each assessment report contains program goals, assessment methods, results and evaluation, and planned and completed actions.  – Find a Report –

The University prepares an annual report for the SC Commission of Higher Education which summarizes the departmental institutional effectiveness reports.   – Find a Report –

The Senior Exit Survey is given to the students attending required graduation rehearsal meeting. This meeting is required for participation in the graduation ceremony. This ensures the entire graduating class is represented for each academic year (Fall and Spring Graduations). Of these students no fewer than 95%  of each graduating cohort have completed the survey for each of the last 5 years. Thus no random sampling is required to obtain our measures of satisfaction with their academic experiences in the general education curriculum and their major field.

In addition, the survey provides ratings for all student service and academic support units. As part of the evaluation of the general education curriculum, graduating seniors also rate the quality of their experiences in meeting the stated goals of the curriculum. Students are also surveyed on their current job status and future career and education plans.

Additional information is collected for specific information needed by the University for differing purposes or new research questions varies from year to year.

Results of the survey of alumni class of 2001-2002 dealing with program quality, life experiences, and employment. – Find Survey Results –

Mandated Reports

Title II Reports

Reports of passage rates on the PRAXIS II Exam used in certification of teachers in South Carolina and for advancing teacher training by the United States Department of Education.

  • 2011-2012
  • 2010-2011
  • 2009-2010
  • 2008-2009
  • 2007-2008
  • 2006-2007
  • 2005-2006
  • 2004-2005
  • 2003-2004
  • 2002-2003