Center for Academic Success and Advisement

About CASA
The Center for Academic Success and Advisement, housed in Founders Hall 220, offers a variety of services designed to help students thrive during their experience at Francis Marion University.
A staff of academic advisors is available to facilitate student questions about registration for courses, majors and minors, study habits, time management, career guidance, and more. Our team is dedicated to supporting students and connecting them to resources that will help them be successful during their academic careers at FMU.
CASA advisors work closely with first-year students to ease the transition from high school to university life. They are dedicated to supporting students and connecting them to resources that will help them to be successful during their academic careers at FMU.
CASA advisors also provide counseling for probationary students and answer general questions for students about course registration, majors and minors, study skills, time management, career guidance, and more.
Located in FH 220, the Career Center helps students to select majors and minors, set professional goals, consider career paths, develop resumes, and explore testing necessary for graduate programs.
In addition, staff also hosts semi-annual job fairs and connects students to employers looking to hire FMU students and alumni.
Located in FH 114C, the Writing Center provides students with one-to-one tutorials on writing projects for any class at FMU. Our staff also assists students with resumes, applications, creative writing, and other writing projects.
The FMU Tutoring Center, located in Founders Hall 220, provides all students with learning assistance for a variety of subjects, including math, sciences, social sciences, and humanities courses.
Students are welcome to meet with tutors to review course content, practice problem-solving skills, and discuss study strategies.
CASA works in conjunction with FMU’s University Life 100 courses, which allow first-year students to become acquainted with the university, build connections on campus, learn about strategies for being successful students, and make the most of their time at FMU.
Patriot Mentors are undergraduate students who have exhibited leadership skills and successful academic habits at FMU. They provide mentorship to new students in University Life 100: First-Year Seminar courses at FMU.
Any senior, junior, or sophomore student with at least 24 earned credit hours may apply to serve as a Patriot Mentor. Students interested in serving as peer mentors are expected to commit to the program for the entire fall semester.
Qualifications include:
- a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0
- good interpersonal and communication skills
- involvement in campus and/or community activities
- commitment to diversity, multiculturalism, and student success
- knowledge of campus and community resources
Interested in applying to become a Patriot Mentor? Contact CASA at 843-661-1400.