EVCL 102 – Birdwatching

Schedule: Saturdays, TBD

Location: TBD

Faculty: Dr. Travis Knowles and Dr. Julia Krebs | tknowles@fmarion.edu | 843-661-1408

Credits: 3

Birds have inspired and delighted people around the world for thousands of years. Have you ever wanted to learn more about the common birds you see in your backyard, or in walks around the area? Join us for this Saturday morning class to improve your skills at identifying birds by sight and sound. We’ll focus on our winter birds first and pick up at least some of our returning spring migrants before the course is over. We’ll visit good areas to see birds around Florence, such as Jeffries Creek Park, the Rail Trail, Freedom Florence, and FMU’s Freshwater Ecology Center. We may take an excursion to Huntington Beach State Park near Murrells Inlet to see more waterbirds and shorebirds.

Participants will be expected to provide their own transportation to and from the field sites. We will work with the students in the class to schedule four or five Saturday morning classes for our on-site study. We will provide some binoculars and teach you the basics of bird identification. Join us for this birdwatching adventure!

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