Francis Marion University
Freshwater Ecology Center – Conference Center
Thursday, June 22, 2023 – 3:30 pm – 4:22 pm

Mr. Robert E. Lee, Chair

Mr. William W. Coleman, Jr.
Mr. H. Paul Dove, Jr.
Dr. H. Randall Dozier
Mr. R. Tracy Freeman
Mrs. Patricia C. Hartung (by phone)
Mr. Kenneth W. Jackson
Mr. Stephen N. Jones
Mr. Floyd L. Keels
Mr. George C. McIntyre
Mr. Mark S. Moore
Dr. J. Kevin O’Kelly

Others Present:
Dr. Mark Blackwell, Vice Chair of the Faculty and Professor of Philosophy and Religious Studies
Mr. Darryl Bridges, Vice President for Finance and Facilities
Dr. Fred Carter, President
Mr. Lee Daugherty, Director of Alumni Affairs and Annual Giving
Mr. Ralph Davis, Director of Facilities Management
Mr. Daniel Dukes, Legislative Liaison
Mr. Larry Falck, Director of Multimedia Services
Dr. Karen Fries, Secretary of the Faculty and Associate Professor of Education
Mr. Murray Hartzler, Director of Athletics
Dr. Callum Johnston, Interim  Dean of the School of Education
Dr. Christopher Kennedy, Vice President for Student Life
Dr. Peter King, Provost
Dr. Jennifer Kunka, Associate Provost for Advising and Professor of English
Dr. Sharon O’Kelley, Chair of the Faculty and Associate Professor of Mathematics
Dr. Hari Rajagopalan, Dean of the School of Business and Professor of Marketing
Dr. Cheri Richardson, Director of Institutional Planning
Mrs. Elizabeth Shefton, Executive Assistant to the President
Mrs. Lauren Stanton, Vice President of Institutional Advancement
Mrs. Allison Steadman, Associate Provost and Associate Professor of Theatre Arts – Costume Design
Mrs. Anna Todd, Vice President of Communications
Dr. Charlene Wages, Vice President for Administration and Planning
Ms. Demetra Walker, Dean of the Library
Dr. Alissa Warters, Vice President for Enrollment Management

Mr. Lee called the meeting to order at 3:30 pm, and then he asked Mrs. Shefton to call the roll.  Mr. Lee then stated for the record that media notification was made in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act, and that a quorum was present.

Mr. Lee brought the minutes of the March 2, 2023 meeting before the board for approval.  Mr. Coleman made a motion that the minutes be approved, and Mr. Freeman seconded the motion.  The minutes received unanimous approval by the board.

Executive Affairs Committee: 

Mr. Lee presented to the board Resolution 05-23 for Naming the Duane P. Myers Seminar Room in the University Honors Center, which comes from the committee with unanimous approval.  Mr. Lee made a motion that the resolution be approved, and Mr. McIntyre seconded the motion.  The resolution received unanimous approval by the board.

Mr. Lee presented to the board Resolution 06-23 for Naming the Jon W. Tuttle Atrium in the University Honors Center, which comes from the committee with unanimous approval.  Mr. Lee made a motion that the resolution be approved, and Mr. Moore seconded the motion.  The resolution received unanimous approval by the board.

Mr. Lee presented to the board Resolution 07-23 for Naming the Pamela A. Rooks Classroom in the University Honors Center, which comes from the committee with unanimous approval.  Mr. Lee made a motion that the resolution be approved, and Mr. Coleman seconded the motion.  The resolution received unanimous approval by the board.

Academic Affairs and Accreditation Committee:

Mr. Dove gave the following report from the committee meeting:

  • The PEAK Committee (Professional Experience and Knowledge) met 2 times during the 2022-23 school year.  The program funded 32 projects, totaling $97,120.35. These projects impacted 372 students.
  • Professional Development Committee awarded the following:
    • 8 Sabbaticals for the 2023-24 academic year
    • 18 Summer Research Stipends funded at $4,000 each
    • 24 Research Grant requests funded for a total of over $45,000
    • Approximately 215 conference/workshop/course proposals funded for a total exceeding $220,000
  • Scholarship Awards Day was held on April 22.  For the 94 students who were able to attend, this event also served as their orientation.
  • Including the April 22 Scholarship event, there are 9 orientations over the course of the summer.  So far, three freshman and one transfer orientation have taken place.
  • A total of 360 students (277 undergraduates and 83 graduate) graduated in May.
  • International Programs updates:
    • FMU hosted 13 international students from France, Germany, and the United Kingdom.
    • Five FMU students are studying on exchange this spring/summer in Germany.
    • New exchange MOAs were ratified with Rennes School of Business, Universidad de Burgos, and The University of West Indies.
    • Two $2,500 International Collaboration Grants were awarded to Dr. Jeanne Gunther and Dr. Charles Jeffcoat.
    • FMU hosted over 90 international F-1 and J-1 visa students this school year.
  • McNair Institute is increasing their activities for the academic year.
  • Jon Tuttle will receive the Lifetime Service Award from the South Carolina Theatre Association at its gala on June 24.
  • Dr. Todd Couch was named Midwestern State University’s 2023 Distinguished Alumni.  He was chosen because of his record of using his degree to better the communities in which he’s lived.
  • The School of Business had 16 journal articles published, 18 conference proceedings and presentations, and 17 other compilations.
  • The School of Education’s Montessori Program plans to start on schedule.
  • Occupational Therapy program has hired a new Academic Fieldwork Coordinator, Dr. Roblin Fenters, OTD, MSOT, OTR/L.
  • Speech-Language Pathology had their accreditation site visit on March 20-21.  Site visitors’ report documented compliance with all standards.  Final accreditation decision is expected August 2023.
  • The Rogers Library has had four retirements this year.  Those four people have served the university for a total of 133 years.

Mr. Dove concluded his report.

Development and Alumni Committee:

Mr. McIntyre shared the following report with the board:


  • The Education Foundation Taste of the Tournament Golf Tournament on May 12 was a well-attended and successful event.
  • The Swamp Fox Athletic Auction was held on May 18 and set a new record for money raised.
  • A Sporting Clays Tournament is a new event that will be held on October 13 at Moree’s Sportsman’s Preserve & Sporting Clays in Society Hill.
  • The Foundation received gifts from the McLeod Regional Medical Center for nursing support, a $75,000 nursing scholarship.
  • The Honda Foundation Grant gifted a $25,000 scholarship to support the School of Business’s computer science cyber-security coursework.
  • Steven F. Gately Gallery will partner with the Florence Regional Arts Alliance for the Small Works Juried Exhibition on June 27 through August 10.
  • The Performing Arts Center will host Crystal Gayle on August 24.
  • The Center for the Child has maintained steady enrollment numbers.
  • Local Government Leadership Institute completed all of its sessions in April and will begin a new class in September.
  • The Fred R. Sheheen Non-Profit Leadership Institute completed all its sessions in April and hosted an alumni session in June.


  • Alumni Affairs hosted a “Senior Toast” event at Seminar Brewing, which included alumni and graduating seniors.  There were over 120 participants.
  • A new board member orientation was held for the Alumni Board, at which five new members joined.  They elected new officers to the board, Egi Oakman-Black was elected as president and Keisha Hayes was elected as vice-president.
  • Alumni Affairs had a meeting of the past alumni presidents and Dr. Shirley Bausmith was elected as chair of the organization.

Mr. McIntyre concluded his report.

Finance and Facilities Committee:

Mr. Jones presented to the board Resolution 08-23 for University Budget Approval, which comes from the committee with unanimous approval.  Mr. Jones made a motion that the resolution be approved, and Mr. Moore seconded the motion. The resolution received unanimous approval by the board.

Mr. Jones presented to the board Resolution 09-23 to Authorize Renovations for Campus Facilities, which comes from the committee with unanimous approval.  Mr. Jones made a motion that the resolution be approved, and Mr. Moore seconded the motion. The resolution received unanimous approval by the board.

Mr. Jones concluded his report.

Student Life and Athletics Committee:

Mr. Dove gave the following committee report:

Student Government Association:

  • SGA President, Devan Campbell would like to push recruitment for SGA to new and continuing students with a “We Want You!” campaign. His goal is to fill the empty seats in the student government senate.
  • SGA ‘s new motto for the academic year is “Transform. Thrive. Triumph.” They plan to work with student organizations and student life, helping students find their place at FMU.
  • SGA outreach events:
    • Mental Health Awareness Week
    • Commuter Student Appreciation Event
    • Promote and support the food pantry and dress for success clothing closet

Student Life:

  • Housing opens for students on Friday, August 18.  Students will move in by appointment over that weekend.
  • The annual First Friday Festival will be held on August 25 from 6:00pm to 10:00pm in the Athletic Complex, with live music, rides, games, and food trucks.
  • Appreciation was given to Student Health and the COVID Response Office for the way they have managed the process.  Numbers continue to be the lowest in the state among our sister institutions.
  • Dr. Cheri Richardson was announced as the new Housing Director.


  • Men’s tennis finished its 2023 campaign with a 13-8 record and a number 42 national ranking.  The Patriots won the conference regular-season championship.
  • The softball team posted a 42-13 record, equaling the program record for wins in a season.  The Patriots won the conference tournament championship and advanced to the NCAA Tournament for the second year in a row.
  • 156 student athletes were named to the Swamp Fox Athletic-Academic Honor Roll for the 2023 spring semester; including 23 with perfect 4.0 GPAs.
  • Chi Alpha Sigma’s national college athlete honor society inducted 22 FMU student athletes.
  • Liam Day (Tennis), Gabriel Karantcheva (Tennis), and Lauryn Taylor (Basketball) were all named Scholar-Athlete of the year for their sport in Conference Carolinas.
  • The Athletic Auction was a success, raising a record $41,988.

Mr. Dove concluded his report.

President’s Report:

Dr. Carter made the following comments during his report:

  • Congratulations was expressed to Chris Day for his new position as Editor for the Post and Courier Pee Dee.
  • Dr. Carter presented to the board a pay plan for approval.  The South Carolina state pay plan would provide $2,500 to state employees who make $50,000 less and a 5% pay increase to state employees who make over $50,000.  The board was asked to supplement the state’s increase for FMU faculty and staff; making the increases $3,500 for employees who make $50,000 or less and a 7% increase for employees who make over $50,000.  Approval was also asked for a 15% increase for adjunct faculty, overload for existing faculty and a 15% increase in hourly wage paid to student workers and other hourly employees at the university.  Mr. Jones made a motion to approve the pay plan, and Mr. McIntyre seconded the motion. The pay plan received unanimous approval by the board.
  • Appreciation was expressed to the trustees for passing the following resolutions:
    • Resolution 05-23 for Naming the Duane P. Myers Seminar Room in the University Honors Center
    • Resolution 06-23 for Naming the Jon W. Tuttle Atrium in the University Honors Center
    • Resolution 07-23 for Naming the Pamela A. Rooks Classroom
    • Resolution 08-23 for University Budget Approval
    • Resolution 09-23 to Authorize Renovations for Campus Facilities
  • CHE approved the PsychD degree.  This degree program will play a major part in developing services at the first regional mental health facility in Florence, which is being established by the South Carolina Department of Health and Human Services.
  • Recognition was given to Dr. John Rowan, who will formally take over as the Vice-President of Enrollment Management.  Dr. Alissa Warters will take over as the new Provost.
  • Appreciation was expressed to Dr. Peter King for the past seven years of service as Provost.
  • Regrettably, the university says good-bye to our Legislative Liaison, Daniel Dukes.  Mr. Dukes served the university for the last 20 years and will be formally recognized at commencement with an honorary degree.
  • Appreciation was expressed to Chairman Robert Lee for all of his contributions to the board and university.  Today will be the last meeting that Mr. Lee serves as Chairman.

Dr. Carter concluded his report.

Old Business:

Mr. Lee brought the slate of new officers before the board for approval.  There being no objections, the slate of officers received unanimous approval by the board.

Chairman: Dr. Randall Dozier
Vice Chairman: Mr. William Edward Gunn
Secretary: Mr. Floyd Keels

New Business:

Executive Session:
Mr. Lee asked that a motion be made for the board to go into Executive Session. The motion was made by Mr. McIntyre and seconded by Dr. Dozier.  The board gave unanimous approval to go into Executive Session.

After the discussion was complete, Mr. Lee brought the board out of Executive Session and stated that no action was taken by the board during the session.

Mr. Lee stated that this meeting marks the end of his term as Chair of the Board, and extended his appreciation for receiving the opportunity to serve over the years.  Mr. Lee then turned over the gavel to the new Chair, Dr. Dozier.

Dr. Dozier adjourned the meeting at 4:22 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Floyd L. Keels