ENGR 201 – Engineering Graphics
Prerequisites/Corequisites: Credit Hours: Min: ; Max: 3 Description: Students are introduced to the fundamental principles of engineering graphics – sketching, line drawing, projections, and solid modeling. Students will learn how to apply engineering graphics principles to generate and interpret technical drawings and solid models. Computer Aided Design software (e.g., AutoCAD®, SolidWorks®) will be used.
PHYS 406L – Nuclear Physics Laboratory
Prerequisites/Corequisites: Credit Hours: Min: ; Max: Description:
PHYS 314L – Modern Physics Lab
Prerequisites/Corequisites: Take PHYS-314. (Required, Concurrent). Credit Hours: Min: ; Max: Description:
PHYS 312L – Lasers & Optics Lab
Prerequisites/Corequisites: Take PHYS-312. (Required, Concurrent). Credit Hours: Min: ; Max: Description:
PHYS 314 – Modern Physics
Prerequisites/Corequisites: Take PHYS-202 MATH-202. (Required, Previous). | Take PHYS-314L. (Required, Concurrent). Credit Hours: Min: 4; Max: Description: Introduction to relativity and the quantum theory including their historical background, the experimental basis of these theories, and applications to atomic and molecular structure.
PHYS 216 – General Physics II
Prerequisites/Corequisites: Take PHYS-215. (Required, Previous). | Take PHYS-216L. (Required, Concurrent). Credit Hours: Min: 4; Max: Description: Algebra-based introduction to electricity, magnetism, and optics. Topics include electrical forces, electric fields, direct and alternating current circuits, magnetic forces, magnetic fields, electromagnetic induction, reflection, refraction, diffraction, interference, mirrors, and lenses. Examples from medicine and biology will be included […]
PHYS 216L – General Physics II Laboratory
Prerequisites/Corequisites: Take PHYS-216. (Required, Concurrent). Credit Hours: Min: ; Max: Description:
PHYS 301L – General Physics II Laboratory
Prerequisites/Corequisites: Credit Hours: Min: ; Max: Description:
PHYS 306L – General Physics II Laboratory
Prerequisites/Corequisites: Credit Hours: Min: ; Max: Description:
PHYS 310 – Electronics
Prerequisites/Corequisites: Take PHYS-202. (Required, Previous). | Take PHYS-310L. (Required, Concurrent). Credit Hours: Min: 4; Max: Description: Introduction to analog and digital electronics. Analog topics include AC/DC circuits, diodes, power supplies, transistors, oscillators, timers, and operational amplifiers. Digital topics include binary numbers, gate types, gate circuits, gate reduction, Boolean algebra, flip flops, comparators, registers, binary and […]
PHYS 310L – Electronics Laboratory
Prerequisites/Corequisites: Take PHYS-310. (Required, Concurrent). Credit Hours: Min: ; Max: Description:
PHYS 312 – Lasers & Optics
Prerequisites/Corequisites: Take PHYS-202 or PHYS-216. (Required, Previous). | Take MATH-201. (Required, Concurrent). | Take PHYS-312L. (Required, Concurrent). Credit Hours: Min: 4; Max: Description: Introduction to lasers and optics. Laser topics include laser emission, holography, fiber optics, laser spectroscopy, and laser applications. Optics topics include geometrical and physical optics with an emphasis on the wave properties […]