Spring 2021 Student Teaching Deadlines
IMPORTANT….***ALL student teaching candidates are to check his/her FMU email daily for any updates or requests for additional information.***
SC State Dept of Education Online Teacher Application and Fee Payment:
Complete the online application by June 15. Nothing is “due” to the School of Education by June 15 for this. Follow the instructions provided under “First Time Applicants.”
The application web page above will have steps for you to follow in order to be cleared for student teaching. Please note, the School of Education will send in transcripts and a recommendation form upon completion of student teaching.
Student Teaching Application:
In order to help pre-qualify a candidate for student teaching, Candidates will submit a student teaching application to Student Teach to the School of Education Office (CEMC 212). Once you have completed your fingerprinting, please bring a copy of your receipt to the School of Education Office so that can be added to your file. These forms are required for student teaching.
Download Student Teaching Application
GRADUATE STUDENTS DOWNLOAD: Graduate Student Teaching Application
Please submit forms to the School of Education Office (CEMC 212) by 4:30 pm on Friday, September 4, 2020. Once this application has been turned in, the Coordinator of Student Teaching will be in touch with the candidate to schedule an advisory meeting.
Student Teaching Placement Request Form:
IMPORTANT…Placement forms are due NO LATER than 4:30 pm on Friday, September 4, 2020. Completed forms should be submitted to the School of Education Office (CEMC 212). Please be sure that your placement form includes all previous placements. (Including your Fall 2020 placement.)
Please select the appropriate placement request form for your major:
Degree Application and Verification Form:
Undergraduate Students ONLY – Undergraduate Students should download and take the Degree Application form (yellow) and the Verification form (pink) to the Registrar’s Office. Someone in the Registrar’s Office will sign the Verification Form (pink) and return it to the student.
This should be completed by September 4, 2020.
Graduate Students ONLY – FMU Graduate Students should download and complete the Degree Application Form (green) and the Verification Form (pink). Students are to complete the degree application form, and the top portion of the verification form. Once this step is completed, students should email the documents to Dr. Cindi Nixon, at cnixon@fmarion.edu. This should be completed by September 4, 2020. Dr. Nixon will process these documents and turn them in to appropriate personnel on behalf of the students.
Students are responsible for submitting the first attempt of the appropriate Praxis II & PLT scores (whether passing or failing) with the Student Teaching Application. Should students not have passing scores turned in with the Student Teaching Application, it the student’s responsibility to submit the appropriate passing Praxis II & PLT scores by Reading Day prior to the semester you plan to Student Teach.
- Spring 2021 Student Teachers… Your Reading Day deadline to Student Teach in December 1, 2020 by 4:30 pm. This means your Praxis II and PLT scores MUST be submitted to the School of Education by this deadline.
***(It is the student’s responsibility to register for the appropriate Praxis exams required for his/her major.)* ETS is no longer providing Paper Options on PRAXIS II or PLT. It is the student candidate’s responsibility to make sure that ALL scores will be in by the Reading Day deadline.
*** Remember: You MUST submit an official paper copy (Examinee Copy) of the scores to the School of Education office, and we cannot accept scores verbally.*
· Go to the PRAXIS website for more information.
If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Lindsay Sturkie for undergraduate at (843) 661-1466 – OR – Dr. Cindi Nixon for graduate at 843-661-1551.