Please contact the Office of Financial Assistance if you need additional aid for the academic year.  Once you have been advised by the Office of Financial Assistance regarding all other alternatives, you can complete an alternative loan application by selecting one of the lender options listed by clicking the link below or by applying through another lender of your choice. Make sure that you research the loan benefits and fees thoroughly so that you can choose the lender that best suits your needs. You have the right to select any alternative loan lender. The link to the list provided is meant to assist you and not to indicate that FMU limits your lender choice or has a preference for the lender you use.

Note that private loan applicants are now required to read, sign, and return additional disclosures, including a self-certification form, in addition to signing a promissory note. Most lenders will also require the school to certify the student’s eligibility for a private educational loan. This certification may come to you after you have returned the initially requested information to the lender; therefore, you are encouraged to follow your lender’s instructions and to monitor the application process carefully.

Things You Need To Consider Before Applying For An Alternative Loan:

Have you completed the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)?

Have you talked to a financial assistance counselor to make sure that you have received the maximum amount of federal and/or state aid for which you qualify?

Has your biological or adoptive parent applied for a Parent PLUS loan? If your parent has not applied for the PLUS loan, have your parent read about the online PLUS application process. You should do this prior to applying for an alternative loan.

Choose A Lender:
View a list of lenders.

Most students will be expected to have a credit-worthy co-signer to be considered for these loans.

Also remember that each lender sets its own interest rate or fee assessment based on the credit worthiness of each borrower and his/her co-signer.