Sponsored Programs

Forms and Guidance


Concept Approval Form

Conflicts of Interest Disclosure Form

Tutorials and Guidance

CITI Program Registration Tutorial

CITI Program is utilized for both Conflicts of Interest training and Responsible Conduct of Research training. If you are applying for an NSF or PHS grant (including HRSA, NIH, and SAMHSA), you must complete both of these trainings using CITI Program.

Proposal Examples

NIH Examples

NEH Examples

Funder Specific Requirements

SciENcv Setup Instructions

SciENcv should be used for your NSF Biographical Sketch as well as your Current and Pending Support (Other) documents.

Account Management Guide

The Account Management Guide provides information on how to register a new NSF account as well as view and edit your account profile. To submit proposals to the National Science Foundation (NSF), you will first need to have an NSF ID. Please use the guidance provided in the Account Management Guide to successfully setup an account. NOTE: Before setting up an account, you should follow the steps outlined in the guide in checking to make sure you do not already have an NSF ID within the system.

How a Principal Investigator Initiates a New Proposal in Research.gov

Each PI submitting an NSF proposal will need to start a new proposal in Research.gov and upload the required documents and information into the system. This link provides step-by-step instructions on setting up a new proposal in the system. Please contact Jennifer Taylor (jtaylor@fmarion.edu) if you have any questions or run into any problems.

Steps to Share Access to Proposal with Sponsored Programs for Review and Submission

NOTE: You will not have the ability to submit the proposal. You will need to share access with Sponsored Programs for review and submission.

U.S. Department of Education Grant Forms

Forms specific to the U.S. Department of Education’s application process can be found here. U.S. DoEd requires a General Education Provisions Act (GEPA) Form be completed for each grant application. The form and instructions can be found in the link above. The budget template is also provided on that same website.