Please complete the 3 steps below. READ all the information provided for each step. Items in blue are linked items, please select the link to view. (The linked items are the applications for step 1 and step 2, you may have to hover over them for it to turn blue)


A. The State Department of Education sets the deadlines for State Clearance for Student Teaching (Step 1). Students who do not complete step 1 by the deadlines listed below will be required to complete the application(s) to student teach for the following semester.

B. Any questions related to the State Department of Education Application need to be directed to The State Department of Education.

If you are student teaching in Fall – Due February 15th.

Information on applying for certification through the Certification Application Technology System (CATS) Portal is available on the SCDE website.  Candidates applying for clearance to enter student teaching in the fall semester must have all required documentation on file with the SCDE (South Carolina Department of Education) no later than February 15 of that calendar year. For example, a candidate entering clinical practice (student teaching) in August 2020 must have all documentation on file with the State Department of Education no later than February 15, 2020. Required documentation includes the application, fee, and background reports.

If you are student teaching in Spring – Due June 15th.

Information on applying for certification through the Certification Application Technology System (CATS) Portal is available on the SCDE website.  Candidates applying for clearance to enter student teaching in the fall semester must have all required documentation on file with the SCDE (South Carolina Department of Education) no later than June 15 of the previous calendar year. For example, a candidate entering clinical practice (student teaching) in January 2020 must have all documentation on file with the State Department of Education no later than June 15, 2019. Required documentation includes the application, fee, and background reports.

The School of Education will submit the required official transcript and recommendation for certification at the end of the student teaching semester. (Please note, this can’t be completed until the transcript reflects completion of degree)


Completed applications are to be emailed to the Director of Graduate Studies. (See step 3 below before submitting this application)

If you are student teaching in Fall – Due February 15th.

If you are student teaching in Spring – Due First Friday in September.


Step 3: Praxis Scores 

Students are responsible for submitting all the appropriate passing Praxis scores by Reading Day prior to the semester you plan to Student Teach. Remember: Students are required to submit an official paper copy (Examinee Copy) of the scores with his/her application to student teach. Contact the Director of Graduate Studies for guidance.