Courses Found: 104

BIOL 439 - (MT460) Medical Lab Systems
More InfoPrerequisites/Corequisites: Credit Hours: Min: 2; Max: Description: Topics in management, medical terminology, education, and phlebotomy.

BIOL 440 – Ecotoxicology
More InfoPrerequisites/Corequisites: Take BIOL-105 BIOL-115L BIOL-107 BIOL-106 BIOL-108 CHEM-201 CHEM-203. (Required, Previous). | Take BIOL-440L. (Required, Concurrent). Credit Hours: Min: 4; Max: Descrip...

BIOL 442 – Wildlife Biology
More InfoPrerequisites/Corequisites: Take BIOL-202 CHEM-112 CHEM-112L. (Required, Previous). Credit Hours: Min: 3; Max: Description: This course will focus on issues associated with wildlife biology. Topic...

BIOL 490 – Pre-Veterinary Internship
More InfoPrerequisites/Corequisites: Credit Hours: Min: 1; Max: 2 Description: Clinical experience in veterinary medicine under the supervision of a practicing veterinarian. A maximum of 3 semester hours m...

BIOL 491 – Research for the Secondary Educator
More InfoPrerequisites/Corequisites: Take BIOL-105 BIOL-115L BIOL-107 BIOL-106 or BIOL-108. (Required, Previous). Credit Hours: Min: 1; Max: Description: Students devise and carry out an independent resear...

BIOL 494 – Pre-Health Program Internship
More InfoPrerequisites/Corequisites: Credit Hours: Min: 1; Max: 3 Description: Clinical experience under the supervision of a practicing health professional consistent with a student's career goals. Open o...

BIOL 497 – Special Studies
More InfoPrerequisites/Corequisites: Credit Hours: Min: 1; Max: 3 Description: Open only to juniors or seniors with a grade point average of 3.0 or higher in their major courses. A maximum of 3 semester ho...

BIOL 498 - Biology Internship
More InfoPrerequisites/Corequisites: Credit Hours: Min: 1; Max: 2 Description: Independent work under the direction of a professional biologist which may include teaching, research, or other service. A maxim...

BIOL 499 – Biology Capstone Seminar
More InfoPrerequisites/Corequisites: 16 hours in biology or permission of the department. (Required, Previous). Credit Hours: Min: 1; Max: Description: Capstone class for Biology majors. Topics will focus ...

BIOL 501 - Ornithology
More InfoPrerequisites/Corequisites: Take BIOL-106. (Required, Previous). Credit Hours: Min: 4; Max: Description: Anatomy, physiology, taxonomy, evolution, ecology, behavior, and identification of birds. Wi...

BIOL 515 - Spec Top in Bio for Elem Tchrs
More InfoPrerequisites/Corequisites: Credit Hours: Min: 1; Max: 4 Description: Designed to give elementary teachers an opportunity to learn information and laboratory techniques to help them teach biology. W...

BIOL 602 - Aquatic & Terrestrial Ecology
More InfoPrerequisites/Corequisites: Credit Hours: Min: 4; Max: Description: Structure and function of marine and terrestrial ecosystems with emphasis on southeastern United States. Lecture, laboratory, and...

CHEM 111 – General Chemistry I: General Concepts in Chemistry
More InfoPrerequisites/Corequisites: MATH 111 (or MATH 111E). Credit Hours: Min: 3; Max: Description: The states of matter, including the gas laws; stoichiometry; electronic structure and bonding; periodic...

CHEM 111L – General Chemistry I Laboratory: General Concepts in Chemistry
More InfoPrerequisites/Corequisites: CHEM 111 and MATH 111 (or MATH 111E). Credit Hours: Min: 1; Max: Description: Introductory laboratory experiments reinforce concepts from Chemistry 111 as well as descr...

CHEM 112 – Gen Chem II: General Concepts Chemistry
More InfoPrerequisites/Corequisites: Take CHEM 111 and CHEM 111L. Credit Hours: Min: 3; Max: Description: Oxidation-reduction, equilibria, electrochemistry, thermodynamics, acids and bases, kinetics, chemi...