Courses Found: 42

THEA 291 - Script Analysis
More InfoPrerequisites/Corequisites: Take ENGL-101(3118) ENGL-101E ENGL-101L. (Required, Previous). Credit Hours: Min: 3; Max: Description: Fundamentals of play analysis for the purposes of performance and ...

THEA 301 - Directing I
More InfoPrerequisites/Corequisites: Credit Hours: Min: 3; Max: Description: Work in directing for the theatre. Topics include the director as creative interpretative artist and the director and the actor. ...

THEA 302 - Scenic Design
More InfoPrerequisites/Corequisites: Take THEA-202. (Required, Previous). Credit Hours: Min: 3; Max: Description: An exploration of scenic design principles and elements in terms of creating the visual envi...

THEA 303 - Theatre Management
More InfoPrerequisites/Corequisites: Take THEA-202 THEA-301. (Required, Previous). Credit Hours: Min: 3; Max: Description: Study in the basic concepts and methods in the management of theatres. Emphasis on ...

THEA 305 - Acting III
More InfoPrerequisites/Corequisites: Take THEA-205. (Required, Previous). Credit Hours: Min: 2; Max: Description: Concentrated study in script and role analysis. Intensive improvisation to develop acting te...

THEA 309 - Costume Design
More InfoPrerequisites/Corequisites: Take THEA-209. (Required, Previous). Credit Hours: Min: 3; Max: Description: Exploration and application of aesthetic principles of costume design. Special focus on inte...

THEA 320 - Theatre Hist I:beginning to 1700
More InfoPrerequisites/Corequisites: Take ENGL-102(3122). (Required, Previous). Credit Hours: Min: 3; Max: Description: Study of the Western theatre, both its physical form and literature, from the beginnin...

THEA 321 - Theatre History Ii: 1700 to Present
More InfoPrerequisites/Corequisites: Take ENGL-102(3122). (Required, Previous). Credit Hours: Min: 3; Max: Description: Study of the Western theatre, both its physical form and literature, from 1700 to the ...

THEA 328 - Acting for Professional Simulations
More InfoPrerequisites/Corequisites: Take THEA-200 or THEA-203. (Required, Previous). Credit Hours: Min: 3; Max: Description: A study of and practical experience in the area of acting for professional simul...

THEA 391 - Script Analysis
More InfoPrerequisites/Corequisites: Credit Hours: Min: 3; Max: Description:

THEA 397 - Special Studies in Theatre
More InfoPrerequisites/Corequisites: Credit Hours: Min: 3; Max: Description:

THEA 397A - Special Topics in Theatre
More InfoPrerequisites/Corequisites: Credit Hours: Min: 3; Max: Description:

THEA 397G - Spec Topics in Theatre: Dramaturgy
More InfoPrerequisites/Corequisites: Credit Hours: Min: 3; Max: Description:

THEA 397U - Special Studies:
More InfoPrerequisites/Corequisites: Credit Hours: Min: 1; Max: Description:

THEA 397X - Special Topics in Theatre
More InfoPrerequisites/Corequisites: Credit Hours: Min: 3; Max: Description: