July 23, 2021

FMU’s dual enrollment surging at The Continuum
Francis Marion University’s dual enrollment numbers have surged heading into the Fall semester, the latest success resulting from a dynamic educational partnership at The Continuum in Lake City.
According to Francis Marion’s Office of Enrollment Management, more than 400 students from Pee Dee area high schools have signed up for at least one of the 19 offered dual enrollment courses as of July 23. These courses are available through in-person and virtual learning at The Continuum, which since its inception in the Fall of 2019 has put thousands of high school students on course for a successful college experience.
“The Continuum has provided students in FCSD2 the opportunity to explore both careers and higher level learning opportunities,” Sterling Mosby, principal of Florence County School District Two’s Hannah-Pamplico High School, says. “The collaboration between our district and The Continuum has been beneficial because it has put students who are interested in the workforce in the position to gain certifications and join the workforce immediately after graduation. Likewise, for those who are interested in going to college, it has allowed them to begin that pursuit and graduate from high school with some transferable college credits.”
Ten high schools from around the Pee Dee send their students to The Continuum. It’s a natural fit, as the facility houses some of the most exciting and promising educational opportunities not just in the region but the entire southeast.
A $25 million enterprise borne of a partnership between The Darla Moore Foundation, Francis Marion University and Florence-Darlington Technical College, the Continuum has quickly become an educational buoy to the region. It’s filled with state-of-the-art technology in seven high-tech classrooms, three computer labs, three distance learning classrooms, large prep rooms for biology and chemistry labs, four workforce development classrooms, health science spaces, and a large lecture hall that can also accommodate special events. No other region in South Carolina has an educational partnership quite like this, offering such a comprehensive array of curricular opportunities and career training choices.
In just two years, The Continuum has grown into a hub for regional education and workforce development, focusing on advancing the knowledge and mastery of innovative technical skills that’s truly unique.
“The depth and breadth of what The Continuum does is extraordinary,” says Jeannette Altman, the executive director of The Continuum. “It’s a service that’s not available anywhere else. We give students educational opportunities within a meaningful career. I feel like we’re opening doors for students in a way that wasn’t possible before.”
Courses offered at The Continuum are taught by faculty from FMU and FDTC. This includes courses that lead to two-year and four-year university degrees, dual enrollment courses for high school students, workforce development certificate programs, programs for K-12 students in science and innovation, and even business incubator spaces.
Course options vary for dual enrollment and traditional students. The myriad of options included courses in English, math, history, biology, chemistry, art, music, business, computer science, education, pre-engineering and pre-nursing. Workforce development courses include training in HVAC, welding, health sciences, mechatronics and advanced manufacturing technology.
Students enrolled at The Continuum complete their degree requirements for an assortment of high schools throughout the region, and may acquire credits toward high school diplomas, certificates, two-year degrees, and – through both dual enrollment courses and regular college courses – baccalaureate four-year college degrees.
More information on the dual enrollment program offered at Francis Marion can be found here: Francis Marion Dual Enrollment Program.