September 8, 2020

Francis Marion University returns to in-person instruction
Francis Marion University resumed in-person classes Tuesday after the fall semester’s first three weeks were administered remotely.
The much-anticipated move back to face-to-face instruction comes after The University devoted months to developing a reopening plan designed to protect the campus community and provide access to quality academics. New policies and procedures included in the plan include:
- Requiring masks in all campus buildings, at outdoor University events, and at other times when social distancing isn’t possible.
- Reduced occupancy in classrooms, and the utilization of new spaces, like auditoriums and gymnasiums, for classes.
- Reduced occupancy in residence halls.
- App-based daily health assessments for all students.
- New campus dining procedures.
- Enhanced cleaning of campus facilities and the installation of protective barriers where applicable.
- The establishment of a special COVID-19 Response Office on campus.
- Enhanced access to health services through a new Student Health Office in the Smith University Center, and agreements with community healthcare providers.