December 2, 2016

Vietnam Memorial Moving Wall coming to FMU
The Moving Wall, a portable replica of the famed Vietnam Memorial in Washington, D.C., is coming to the Francis Marion University campus on Oct. 27.
The Moving Wall is the now, 32-year-old project of a group of veterans determined that the experience of the Vietnam Memorial be shared across the nation. It tours the country annually each year, from April to November.
The Wall, which is about half the size of actual Vietnam Memorial, will arrive at FMU on Oct 26th and will be set up near the James Rogers Library on campus.
Opening ceremonies are set for 5 p.m. Oct. 27. Medal of Honor winner and Vietnam vet General James E. Livingston (USMC-Ret.) will be the keynote speaker for the event. Livingston is a revered American war hero whose story is recounted in Livingston’s autobiography, Noble Warrior.
A reception hosted by FMU President Dr. Fred Carter and Mrs. Fred Carter, will be held after the ceremony at the Wallace House on the FMU campus.
The public is invited to the opening ceremony and the reception that follows.
The Wall will be open throughout the day from Oct. 27-30. Free parking is available in Lot D on the FMU campus.
Like the wall on the actual memorial in Washington, D.C., the Moving Wall lists the name of all U.S. servicemen killed in the Vietnam conflict. The Wall will be coming to Florence near the end of its 2016 tour, following stops in Tennessee Ohio, Wisconsin and Mississippi.