Courses Found: 29

MGT 351 - Management of Organizations
More InfoPrerequisites/Corequisites: Credit Hours: Min: 3; Max: Description: Principles of management, emphasizing the managerial functions of planning and decision-making, organizing, leading, and controll...

MGT 352 - Organization Behavior
More InfoPrerequisites/Corequisites: Take MGT-351. (Required, Previous). Credit Hours: Min: 3; Max: Description: Study of individuals and small groups within organizations. Topics include personality, le...

MGT 353 - Human Resource Management
More InfoPrerequisites/Corequisites: Take MGT-351. (Required, Previous). Credit Hours: Min: 3; Max: Description: A survey course providing students an introduction to the key functions in the field of hu...

MGT 355 - Production & Operations Management
More InfoPrerequisites/Corequisites: Take BUSI-305. (Required, Previous). Credit Hours: Min: 3; Max: Description: Study of the production and operations component of business. Topics include capacity and lo...

MGT 359 - Employment Law and Labor Relations
More InfoPrerequisites/Corequisites: Take MGT-351. (Required, Previous). Credit Hours: Min: 3; Max: Description: A study of employment laws that have a substantial impact on business and the workplace. T...

MGT 452 - Advanced Human Resource Management
More InfoPrerequisites/Corequisites: Take MGT-353. (Required, Previous). Credit Hours: Min: 3; Max: Description: Focuses on three subareas of Human Resource Management: 1) Equal Employment Opportunity, 2...

MIS 225 - Modern Programming
More InfoPrerequisites/Corequisites: Take CS-150 MATH-111 or MATH-121. (Required, Previous). Credit Hours: Min: 3; Max: Description: A study of programming concepts including problem solving, algorithm and...

MIS 327 - Information Systems Fundamentals
More InfoPrerequisites/Corequisites: Take CS-150. (Required, Previous). Credit Hours: Min: 3; Max: Description: Study of basic systems issues that concern the introduction of technology into the firm and t...

MIS 337 - Business Systems Analysis & Design
More InfoPrerequisites/Corequisites: Take MIS-225 MIS-327. (Required, Previous). Credit Hours: Min: 3; Max: Description: Study of systems integration, the analysis of existing systems, and the design of ne...

MIS 447 - Data Base Management
More InfoPrerequisites/Corequisites: Take MIS-327. (Required, Previous). Credit Hours: Min: 3; Max: Description: Advantages and disadvantages of a DBMS, DASD concepts, applied data structures, data definiti...

MIS 467 - E-Commerce-Data Driven Web App Disg
More InfoPrerequisites/Corequisites: Take MIS-327. (Required, Previous). Credit Hours: Min: 3; Max: Description: E-Commerce focuses on webpage design beginning with the development of static webpages and pr...

PSYC 206 - Introductory Psychology
More InfoPrerequisites/Corequisites: Credit Hours: Min: 3; Max: Description: Survey of the biological, experimental (including sensory processes, learning, memory, and motivation), social, personality, and...

PSYC 216 - Introductory Psychology Laboratory
More InfoPrerequisites/Corequisites: Take PSYC-206. (Required, Previous or concurrent). Credit Hours: Min: 1; Max: Description: The main focus will include hands-on experiences with scientific methodology ...

PSYC 302 - Quantitative & Psychometric Methods
More InfoPrerequisites/Corequisites: Take PSYC-206 PSYC-216. (Required, Previous). Credit Hours: Min: 3; Max: Description: The student will become familiar with fundamental descriptive and inferential stati...