Courses Found: 6

EDUC 530 - Teach Cultur & Linguist Diverse Students
More InfoPrerequisites/Corequisites: Credit Hours: Min: 3; Max: Description: This course is designed to introduce students to concepts and strategies that will prepare them to meet the unique needs of cultu...

EDUC 555 - Teaching Children of Poverty
More InfoPrerequisites/Corequisites: Credit Hours: Min: 3; Max: Description: This course and its required clinical experiences are designed to provide teacher candidates with in-depth study of issues relate...

EDUC 621 - Understanding Learning Differences
More InfoPrerequisites/Corequisites: Credit Hours: Min: 3; Max: Description: This course will present the student with contemporary approaches to topics including cognition, cognitive learning, brain functi...

EDUC 622 - Assessment of Learning and Behavior
More InfoPrerequisites/Corequisites: Take EDUC-621. (Required, Previous or concurrent). Credit Hours: Min: 3; Max: Description: This course addresses techniques and procedures for systematically observing a...

EDUC 624 - Behavior Management of Studs W/Disa
More InfoPrerequisites/Corequisites: Credit Hours: Min: 3; Max: Description: This course examines research-supported techniques that teachers can use in working with learners who have exceptional learning n...

EDUC 628 - Planning for Teachers
More InfoPrerequisites/Corequisites: Credit Hours: Min: 3; Max: Description: This course is designed to develop an understanding of effective instructional planning, both long range and short-range, to impr...