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Abdur-Rahim Courtney P.Courtney P. Abdur-Rahim Assistant Vollyball Coach Courtney.AbdurRahim@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1240 DepartmentsAthleticsOfficeUC234
Agyapong Afua M. PhD, CCC-SLPAfua M. Agyapong PhD, CCC-SLP Assistant Professor of Speech Language Pathology Afua.Agyapong@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1888 DepartmentsSchool of Health SciencesSpeech Language PathologyOfficeLMEC 305More info
Allen MorganMorgan Allen Production Manager morgan.allen@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1687 DepartmentsCommunicationsMultimedia ServicesOfficeCEMC 101A
Dr. Almeida Richard A.Dr. Richard A. Almeida Professor of Political Science, Associate Co-Director of Baruch Institute for South Carolina Studies ralmeida@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1631 DepartmentsBaruch InstitutePolitical ScienceOfficeFH 139More info
Amerson HannahHannah Amerson Campus Technology Office Manager & Telecommunications Coordinator hamerson@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1335 DepartmentsCampus TechnologyOfficeSACC 108
Anderson Lawrence P.Lawrence P. Anderson Emeritus Professor of Visual Arts landerson@fmarion.edu DepartmentsFine ArtsOfficeMore info
Anderson ReneeRenee Anderson Executive Director Renee.Anderson@FMarion.edu Phone843-661-1413 DepartmentsPee Dee Medical and Health Sciences Education ConsortiumOfficeCCHS 358
Dr. Aniello JoeDr. Joe Aniello Emeritus Faculty of Management, Years at Francis Marion University: 2003-2024 janiello@fmarion.edu DepartmentsHuman Resource ManagementSchool of BusinessOfficeMore info
Dr. Araujo Ken M.Dr. Ken M. Araujo Associate Professor of Computer Science karaujo@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1377 DepartmentsComputer ScienceSchool of BusinessOfficeSOBE 238More info
Dr. Arroyo FangjunDr. Fangjun Arroyo Professor of Mathematics farroyo@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1594 DepartmentsMathematicsOfficeLSF 409PMore info
Atkinson MarionMarion Atkinson Special Trades Supervisor matkinson@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1648 DepartmentsBuilding MaintenanceOfficeWHSE
Austin Bryan J.Bryan J. Austin Mail Center Supervisor baustin@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1337 DepartmentsMail CenterOfficeMail Center
Dr. Baker Brittany B.Dr. Brittany B. Baker Associate Professor of Physics bbaker@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1655 DepartmentsPhysics and EngineeringOfficeLSF L103-E
Baker CatherineCatherine Baker Reference Librarian/Archivist Catherine.Baker@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1319 DepartmentsRogers LibraryOfficeRL
Baker MeggieMeggie Baker Instructor of Business meggie.baker@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1414 DepartmentsBusiness AdministrationSchool of BusinessOfficeSOBE 216More info
Dr. Banister Lindsey E.Dr. Lindsey E. Banister Associate Professor of English, Director of the Writing Center lbanister@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1857 DepartmentsCenter for Academic Success and AdvisementEnglishEnglish and PhilosophyWriting CenterOfficeFH 122More info
Dr. Barbeau Tamatha R.Dr. Tamatha R. Barbeau Professor of Biology, Coordinator of Veterinary Studies and Pre-Veterinary Programs tbarbeau@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-4651 DepartmentsBiologyOfficeLSF 204JMore info
Barr Brittany M.Brittany M. Barr Administrative Assistant Brittany.Barr@fmarion.edu Phone843-319-4403 DepartmentsRegional and Community ProgramsOfficeRCC
Barrett Summer M.Summer M. Barrett Student Services Coordinator Summer.Barrett@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1221OfficeSAB 113
Dr. Baswani SiddharthDr. Siddharth Baswani Assistant Professor of Management Information Systems SBaswani@FMarion.edu Phone843-661-1102 DepartmentsInformation Systems ManagementSchool of BusinessOfficeSOBE 226
Bauder Alexander PAlexander P Bauder Electrician Alexander.Bauder@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1154 DepartmentsFacilities ManagementOfficeWHSE
Dr. Bauer Vernon W.Dr. Vernon W. Bauer Professor and Chair of Biology vbauer@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1409 DepartmentsBiologyOfficeLSF 204CMore info
Baufield LaurenLauren Baufield Head Women's Volleyball Coach lbaufield@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1246 DepartmentsAthleticsOfficeUC 234
Dr. Baumgartner TrevorDr. Trevor Baumgartner Assistant Professor of Chemistry Trevor.Baumgartner@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1384 DepartmentsChemistryOfficeLSF 303H
Bazen Carolyn MS, LPC/ACarolyn Bazen MS, LPC/A Assistant Director of Counseling and Testing Carolyn.Bazen@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1842 DepartmentsCounseling and Testing CenterOfficeEFB
Beard Cody D.Cody D. Beard Part-time Instructor of Biology Cody.Beard@fmarion.edu DepartmentsBiologyOffice
Bell ChrisChris Bell Executive Chef Christopher.Bell@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1266 DepartmentsDining ServicesOffice
Bell TammyTammy Bell Custodian Tammy.Bell@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1103 DepartmentsCustodial ServicesOfficeFM CP
Bellamy Jazmin L.Jazmin L. Bellamy Accountant-Accounts Payable Jazmin.Bellamy@FMarion.edu Phone843-661-1125 DepartmentsAccountingOfficeSAB 103
Bender Tyler J.Tyler J. Bender Assistant Baseball Coach Tyler.Bender@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1811 DepartmentsAthleticsOfficeUC 234
Bennett Meagan MSN-APRN, FNP-CMeagan Bennett MSN-APRN, FNP-C Instructor of Nursing meagan.bennett@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1607 DepartmentsNursingSchool of Health SciencesOfficeCCHS 357More info
Bessenger AngieAngie Bessenger Mail Services abessenger@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1271 DepartmentsMail CenterOffice
Bessenger WilliamWilliam Bessenger Supervisor of Residence Buildings, Housing Maintenance wbessenger@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1367 DepartmentsBuilding MaintenanceOfficeWarehouse
Best D. KeithD. Keith Best Chair, Department of Fine Arts, Professor of Theatre Arts dbest@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1549 DepartmentsFine ArtsMusic IndustryOfficeHFAC 102More info
Bevan AshleyAshley Bevan Academic Advisor in CASA ashley.bevan@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1257 DepartmentsCenter for Academic Success and AdvisementOfficeFH 220More info
Mr. Binchik MatthewMr. Matthew Binchik Administrative Assistant - Biology matt.binchik@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1382 DepartmentsBiologyOfficeLFS 204
Birge Alex M.Alex M. Birge Assistant Men's Basketball Coach Alex.Birge@FMarion.edu Phone843-661-1811 DepartmentsAthleticsOfficeUC 204
Blackburn DeanDean Blackburn Director of University Center dblackburn@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1189 DepartmentsCampus Recreation ServicesStudent LifeOfficeUC 214
Dr. Blackwell J. MarkDr. J. Mark Blackwell Professor of Philosophy & Religious Studies, Director of International Programs jblackwell@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1657 DepartmentsEnglish and PhilosophyInternational ProgramsPhilosophy & Religious StudiesOfficeHC 107
Blackwell LaurenLauren Blackwell Part-time Instructor of Psychology lblackwell@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1624 DepartmentsPsychologyOfficeCEMC 109-K
Bland Mary K.Mary K. Bland Assistant Director of Financial Assistance Mary.Bland@FMarion.edu Phone843-661-1268 DepartmentsEnrollment ManagementFinancial AssistanceOfficeSAB 117
Bluman MarkMark Bluman Men's and Women's Cross Country Coach, Athletics Department Business Manager mbluman@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1239 DepartmentsAthleticsOfficeUC 234
Dr. Boatwright PatriciaDr. Patricia Boatwright Associate Professor of Education, Coordinator of Elementary Education Program, Co-Coordinator for Teaching Fellows Program, Education Club Advisor PBoatwright@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1439 DepartmentsSchool of EducationOfficeSOBE 267 - Office hours are posted on syllabus. Please email to schedule an appointment.More info
Bolles Jeffrey R. PhD, MBA, MAJeffrey R. Bolles PhD, MBA, MA Associate Professor of Public Health Jeff.Bolles@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-4656 DepartmentsHealthcare AdministrationSchool of Health SciencesOfficeLNB 105More info
Dr. Bolt William K.Dr. William K. Bolt Chair, Department of History, Suzanne Lucas and Benjamin Pratt Gasque Chair in History, Professor of History wbolt@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1469 DepartmentsHistoryOfficeFH 202More info
Boone Brian K.Brian K. Boone Custodian Brian.Bo@FMarion.edu Phone843-661-1103 DepartmentsCustodial ServicesOfficeFM CP
Bostic ReginaRegina Bostic Senior Administrative Assistant-Financial Assistance Regina.Bostic@FMarion.edu Phone843-661-1190 DepartmentsEnrollment ManagementFinancial AssistanceOfficeSAB 117
Bradford Freddie A.Freddie A. Bradford Trades Specialist freddie.bradford@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1150 DepartmentsBuilding MaintenanceOfficeWarehouse
Brand LaTasha D.LaTasha D. Brand Vice President for Student Life lbrand@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1229 DepartmentsCampus Recreation ServicesStudent ConductStudent Health ServicesStudent LifeOfficeUC 205
Brantley Rita MARita Brantley MA Administrative Assistant - Physician Assistant Studies Rita.Brantley@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1348 DepartmentsPhysician Assistant StudiesSchool of Health SciencesOfficeCCHS 327More info
Dr. Brauss K. DanielDr. K. Daniel Brauss Associate Professor of Mathematics dbrauss@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1477 DepartmentsMathematicsOfficeLSF 409C
Dr. Brauss MinervaDr. Minerva Brauss Director of Institutional Effectiveness, Instructor of Mathematics MBrauss@FMarion.edu Phone843-661-1559 DepartmentsAdministrationInstitutional Planning, Research, and EffectivenessMathematicsOfficeSAB 105 FMore info
Braveboy RustyRusty Braveboy Craftsman - Maintenance Mechanic rbraveboy@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1150 DepartmentsBuilding MaintenanceOfficeWHSE
Brayboy Jessica V.Jessica V. Brayboy Teaching Assistant-RCC Jessica.Brayboy@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1900 DepartmentsRegional and Community ProgramsRichardson Center for the ChildOfficeRCC
Dr. Breazeale William H.Dr. William H. Breazeale Professor Emeritus of Chemistry DepartmentsChemistryOfficeMore info
Bridges Darryl L.Darryl L. Bridges Executive Vice President dbridges@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1201 DepartmentsExecutive Vice President's OfficeFinancial Services & Budget OfficeOfficeSAB 107
Briggs Gary L.Gary L. Briggs Custodian Gary.Briggs@FMarion.edu Phone843-661-1103 DepartmentsCustodial ServicesOfficeCP
Dr. Britton JohnDr. John Britton Emeritus Faculty of History jbritton@fmarion.edu DepartmentsHistoryOfficeMore info
Brogdon Rhonda DNP, RN, MBARhonda Brogdon DNP, RN, MBA Chair, Department of Nursing, Associate Professor of Nursing rbrogdon@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1674 DepartmentsNursingSchool of Health SciencesOfficeLNB 122More info
Brown H. VashonH. Vashon Brown Director of Network Operations & Systems hvbrown@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1335 DepartmentsCampus TechnologyOfficeSACC 108
Brown Rachel L.Rachel L. Brown Lead Teacher Toddler Classroom Rachel.Brown@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1906 DepartmentsRegional and Community ProgramsRichardson Center for the ChildOfficeRCC
Brown RocioRocio Brown Instructor of Spanish rocio.brown@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1371 DepartmentsModern LanguagesOfficeFH 155
Dr. Brown Scott S.Dr. Scott S. Brown Professor of Geography ssbrown@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1611 DepartmentsGeographyOfficeFH 132More info
Bryant MaryMary Bryant Part-time Instructor of Psychology mary.bryant@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1624 DepartmentsPsychologyOfficeCEMC 109-K
Dr. Bryngelson GingerDr. Ginger Bryngelson Associate Professor of Physics gbryngelson@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1553 DepartmentsPhysics and EngineeringOfficeLSF 103AMore info
Dr. Bullock ChristopherDr. Christopher Bullock Assistant Professor of Psychology, ABA Option Coordinator Christopher.Bullock@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1638 DepartmentsPsychologyOfficeCEMC 109-DMore info
Dr. Burke Jessica L.Dr. Jessica L. Burke Professor of Sociology jburke@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1656 DepartmentsSociologyOfficeFH 244More info
Burkett Taylor A.Taylor A. Burkett Custodian Taylor.Burkett@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1108 DepartmentsCustodial ServicesOfficeFAC
Burnett LorraineLorraine Burnett Custodian lburnett@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1103 DepartmentsCustodial ServicesOfficeFM CP
Burns Frances PhD, CCC-SLPFrances Burns PhD, CCC-SLP Chair of Speech-Language Pathology, Assistant Professor of Speech-Language Pathology Frances.Burns@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1897 DepartmentsSchool of Health SciencesSpeech Language PathologyOfficeLMEC 306More info
Dr. Butler JeniferDr. Jenifer Butler Assistant Professor Mass Communication Jenifer.Butler@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1686 DepartmentsMass CommunicationOfficeCEMC 111 A
Cady Kent Jr.Kent Cady Jr. Craftsman kcady@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1150 DepartmentsBuilding MaintenanceOfficeWHSE
Calcutt BrendaBrenda Calcutt Acquisitions Coordinator bcalcutt@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1303 DepartmentsRogers LibraryOfficeRogers Library
Calcutt MorganMorgan Calcutt Library Specialist-Serials Morgan.Calcutt@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1315 DepartmentsRogers LibraryOfficeRL
Dr. Caldwell WendyDr. Wendy Caldwell Emeritus Faculty of Spanish wcaldwell@fmarion.edu DepartmentsModern LanguagesOfficeMore info
Campbell AliciaAlicia Campbell Director of Campus Applications and Data Services acampbell@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-4680 DepartmentsCampus TechnologyOfficeSACC 102
Campbell LeonLeon Campbell Lead Custodian lcampbell@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1103 DepartmentsCustodial ServicesOfficeFM CP
Campbell Lorenzo D.Lorenzo D. Campbell Custodian Lorenzo.Campbell@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1103 DepartmentsCustodial ServicesOfficeFM CP
Dr. Camper Jeffrey D.Dr. Jeffrey D. Camper Professor of Biology jcamper@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1418 DepartmentsBiologyOfficeLSF 204EMore info
Capotosti LeeLee Capotosti Project Manager Lee.Capotosti@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1108 DepartmentsFacilities ManagementOfficePPLT 103
Carmichael DanielDaniel Carmichael Sergeant dcarmichael@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1109 DepartmentsCampus PoliceOfficeCampus Police
Carmichael Emily G.Emily G. Carmichael Director of Institutional Research and Associate Director of Human Resources Emily.Graham3@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1145 DepartmentsAdministrationEnrollment ManagementHuman Resources OfficeInstitutional Planning, Research, and EffectivenessOfficeSAB 105
Dr. Carpenter Charles G.Dr. Charles G. Carpenter Emeritus Faculty of Accounting, Years at Francis Marion University: 2005-2018 ccarpenter@fmarion.edu DepartmentsAccounting-School of BusinessSchool of BusinessOfficeMore info
Dr. Carswell WillDr. Will Carswell Associate Provost, Director of Graduate Programs, Assistant Professor of Fine Arts Will.Carswell@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1281 DepartmentsFine ArtsProvost's OfficeOfficeSAB 115
Dr. Carter FredDr. Fred Carter President of Francis Marion University, Professor of Political Science lcarter@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1210 DepartmentsPolitical SciencePresident's OfficeOfficeSAB 110More info
Mrs. Cason JenniferMrs. Jennifer Cason Administrative Coordinator - SOE jcason@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1460 DepartmentsSchool of EducationOfficeSOBE 149
Cates MadisonMadison Cates Associate Co-Director of Baruch Institute for South Carolina Studies mcates@coastal.edu Phone843-349-6624 DepartmentsBaruch InstituteOfficeMore info
Chandler SamSam Chandler Central Receiving/Warehouse Assistant schandler@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1156 DepartmentsMaterials ServicesWarehouseOfficeWHSE
Dr. Chang EunJungDr. EunJung Chang Professor of Art Education echang@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1533 DepartmentsFine ArtsOfficeHFAC 206More info
Dr. Chapman RichardDr. Richard Chapman Faculty Emeritus of History DepartmentsHistoryOfficeMore info
Charping LizetteLizette Charping Part-time Instructor of Psychology lizette.charping@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1624 DepartmentsPsychologyOfficeCEMC 109-K
Dr. Chinnes Anna C.Dr. Anna C. Chinnes Assistant Professor of Psychology AnnaCaroline.Chinnes@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1633 DepartmentsPsychologyOfficeCEMC 109-C
Dr. Choi SooyeonDr. Sooyeon Choi Assistant Professor of Marketing Sooyeon.Choi@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1807 DepartmentsMarketingSchool of BusinessOfficeSOBE 242More info
Cimney Kelly A.Kelly A. Cimney Trades Specialist kelly.Cimney@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1148 DepartmentsBuilding MaintenanceOfficeWHSE
Dr. Cintron-Gonzalez LornaDr. Lorna Cintron-Gonzalez Associate Professor of Industrial Engineering, Coordinator of Industrial Engineering lcintrongonzalez@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1463 DepartmentsIndustrial EngineeringPhysics and EngineeringOfficeMSB 101DMore info
Dr. Clabo AllenDr. Allen Clabo Professor of Chemistry dclabo@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1457 DepartmentsChemistryOfficeLSF 303E
Dr. Clark Delilah D.Dr. Delilah D. Clark Assistant Professor of English, Assistant Director of the Writing Center Delilah.Clark@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1387 DepartmentsCenter for Academic Success and AdvisementEnglishEnglish and PhilosophyWriting CenterOfficeFH 118More info
Mrs. Clouse Kelly E.Mrs. Kelly E. Clouse Part-Time Instructor of Biology Kelly.Clouse@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1382 DepartmentsBiologyOfficeLSF
Coker Sidney E. MSSidney E. Coker MS Administrative Assistant - Nursing Sidney.Coker@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1690 DepartmentsNursingSchool of Health SciencesOfficeLNB 120More info
Dr. Coleman Mary FrancesDr. Mary Frances Coleman Associate Professor of Music Industry, Director of Voice and Choral Activities mcoleman@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1537 DepartmentsFine ArtsGender StudiesOfficeHFAC 112More info
Collins Ashleigh H. MSP, CCC-SLPAshleigh H. Collins MSP, CCC-SLP Clinical Supervisor Ashleigh.Collins@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1628 DepartmentsSchool of Health SciencesSpeech Language PathologyOfficeLMEC 004More info
Collins Rachel M.Rachel M. Collins Lead Teacher-Child Care Center Rachel.Collins@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1906 DepartmentsRegional and Community ProgramsRichardson Center for the ChildOfficeRCC
Conyers NicoleNicole Conyers Office Manager Nicole.Conyers@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1260 DepartmentsDining ServicesOfficeEDH
Dr. Cooper Antonio M.Dr. Antonio M. Cooper Assistant Professor of Psychology Antonio.Cooper@fmarion.edu Phone(843) 661-1636 DepartmentsPsychologyOfficeCEMC 236-B
Cordova KyleKyle Cordova Police Officer Kyle.Cordova@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1109 DepartmentsCampus PoliceOfficeCP
Dr. Couch ToddDr. Todd Couch Associate Professor of Sociology, Co-Director African & African American Studies todd.couch@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1917 DepartmentsSociologyOfficeFH 238More info
Covington AveryAvery Covington System Support Technician, Rogers Library acovington@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1305 DepartmentsRogers LibraryOfficeRogers Library
Covington ChaceChace Covington Instructor of Mathematics chace.covington@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1570 DepartmentsMathematicsOfficeLSF 409v
Dr. Cowles DavidDr. David Cowles Professor of English dcowles@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1504 DepartmentsEnglishEnglish and PhilosophyOfficeFH 104More info
Crawley ShayShay Crawley Instructor of Spanish shay.crawley@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1604 DepartmentsModern LanguagesOfficeCEMC 223More info
Cross KellyKelly Cross Graphic Artist kelly.cross@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1223 DepartmentsCommunicationsOfficeSAB 101
Cyrus Ta’ReishTa’Reish Cyrus Admissions Coordinator Tareish.Cyrus@FMarion.edu Phone843-661-1236 DepartmentsAdmissionsEnrollment ManagementOfficeSAB 116
Klistine Daniels A.Klistine A. Daniels Custodian Klistine.Daniels@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1102 DepartmentsCustodial ServicesOfficeFM CP
Daniels CathyCathy Daniels Custodial Superintendent cdaniels@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1103 DepartmentsCustodial ServicesOfficeFM CP
Daniels Taylor P.Taylor P. Daniels Senior Accountant-Financial Reporting Taylor.Daniels@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1126 DepartmentsAccountingOfficeSAB 103B
Daugherty D. LeeD. Lee Daugherty Director of Alumni Affairs and Annual Giving ddaugherty@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1228 DepartmentsAlumni AffairsEducation FoundationOfficeSAB 111
Dr. David Fred R.Dr. Fred R. David Emeritus Faculty of Business Administration, Years at FMU: 1988-2022 fdavid@fmarion.edu DepartmentsHuman Resource ManagementSchool of BusinessOfficeMore info
David Maya N.Maya N. David Student Services Program Coordinator-Registrar Maya.David@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1172 DepartmentsEnrollment ManagementRegistrarOfficeSAB
Davis ColeCole Davis Fine Arts Part Time Instructor Cole.Davis@fmarion.edu DepartmentsFine ArtsOffice
Davis Dominic J.Dominic J. Davis Network and Systems Administrator Dominic.Davis@FMarion.edu Phone843-661-1339 DepartmentsCampus TechnologyOfficeSACC 108
Davis DougDoug Davis Craftsman - Plumber dedavis@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1150 DepartmentsBuilding MaintenanceOfficeWHSE
Davis Greta M.Greta M. Davis Library Specialist – Acquisitions Greta.Davis@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1312 DepartmentsRogers LibraryOfficeRogers Library
Davis JeremyJeremy Davis Laboratory Specialist Physics & Engineering Phone843-661-1451 DepartmentsPhysics and EngineeringOfficeMSB 117
Davis RalphRalph Davis Vice President for Construction and Facilities RDavis@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1101 DepartmentsBuilding MaintenanceCustodial ServicesFacilities ManagementGrounds MaintenanceMaterials ServicesMotor PoolWarehouseOfficeFM CP
Dr. Day Cooper P.Dr. Cooper P. Day Assistant Professor of English Cooper.Day@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1524 DepartmentsEnglishEnglish and PhilosophyOfficeFH 106
Dr. de Montluzin E. LorraineDr. E. Lorraine de Montluzin Faculty Emeritus, Part-Time Lecturer in History EdeMontluzin@Fmarion.edu DepartmentsHistoryOfficeMore info
Decoster JenniferJennifer Decoster Custodian Jennifer.Decoster@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1152 DepartmentsCustodial ServicesOfficeFM/CP
Dr. DeVincenzo MarieDr. Marie DeVincenzo Palmetto Professor of Business, Area Coordinator of Marketing, Associate Professor of Marketing mdevincenzo@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1417 DepartmentsMarketingSchool of BusinessOfficeSOBE 229More info
Dr. Diel StanDr. Stan Diel Chair, Associate Professor of Mass Communication sdiel@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1532 DepartmentsMass CommunicationOfficeCEMC 111CMore info
Dr. Dike SomtochukwuDr. Somtochukwu Dike Assistant Professor of Management Somtochukwu.Dike@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1391 DepartmentsHuman Resource ManagementSchool of BusinessOfficeSOBE 248More info
Dr. Diop LayireDr. Layire Diop Assistant Professor of Mass Communication Layire.Diop@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1621 DepartmentsMass CommunicationOfficeCEMC 111EMore info
Dittman MaryMary Dittman Assistant Professor of Business mdittman@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1495 DepartmentsBusiness AdministrationSchool of BusinessOfficeSOBE 222More info
Dixon BriceBrice Dixon Laboratory Specialist Brice.Dixon@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1640 DepartmentsPsychologyOfficeCEMC 109-J b
Dixon JohnJohn Dixon Chief Information Officer jdixon@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1335 DepartmentsCampus TechnologyOfficeSACC 101
Dr. Doan CalebDr. Caleb Doan Assistant Professor of English Caleb.Doan@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1511 DepartmentsEnglishEnglish and PhilosophyOfficeFH 123
Dobbins DouglasDouglas Dobbins Part Time Instructor: Mass Communication douglas.dobbins@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1435 DepartmentsMass CommunicationOfficeCEMC 111-F
Dr. Doll Jason C.Dr. Jason C. Doll Associate Professor of Fisheries Biology, Coordinator of Environmental Science Program Jason.Doll@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1481 DepartmentsBiologyFreshwater Ecology ComplexOfficeLSF 204IMore info
Dr. Doucet Jessica M.Dr. Jessica M. Doucet Chair, Department of Sociology, Professor of Sociology, Coordinator of Sociology, Criminal Justice, and Anthropology jdoucet@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1802 DepartmentsSociologyOfficeFH 239More info
Doughty Richard G.Richard G. Doughty Instructor of Political Science and Geography rdoughty@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1612 DepartmentsGeographyPolitical ScienceOfficeFH 144More info
Dowdy A. ReneéA. Reneé Dowdy Instructor of Mathematics adowdy@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1582 DepartmentsMathematicsOfficeLSF 401More info
Dowdy Monica C.Monica C. Dowdy Instructor of Mathematics Monica.Dowdy@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1577 DepartmentsMathematicsOfficeLSF L409T
Dubose Kira E.Kira E. Dubose Administrative Assistant Counseling and Testing Kira.DuBose@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1840 DepartmentsCounseling and Testing CenterOfficeEFB
Dr. Dungan IvanDr. Ivan Dungan Associate Professor of Mathematics ivan.dungan@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1491 DepartmentsMathematicsOfficeLSF 409K
Dungan Melissa E.Melissa E. Dungan Assistant Coordinator for International Programs, Honors and McNair Melissa.Dungan@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1647 DepartmentsHonorsInternational ProgramsRobert E. McNair Center for Research and ServiceOfficeHC 103
Dunst Nelson Kinsey R.Kinsey R. Dunst Nelson Head Athletic Trainer Kinsey.DunstNelson@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1358 DepartmentsAthleticsOfficeUC139
Dupree ErnestineErnestine Dupree Advising Director, Center for Academic Success and Advisement edupree@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1990 DepartmentsCenter for Academic Success and AdvisementOfficeFH 220
Eaddy StephanieStephanie Eaddy Custodian Stephanie.Eaddy@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1103 DepartmentsCustodial ServicesOfficeFM CP
Dr. Eargle Lisa A.Dr. Lisa A. Eargle Professor of Sociology, Board of Trustees Research Scholar leargle@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1653 DepartmentsSociologyOfficeFH 240More info
Eason KristleKristle Eason Custodian Kristle.Eason@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1103 DepartmentsCustodial ServicesOfficeFM
Edwards Deon T.Deon T. Edwards Head Strength and Conditioning Coach Deon.Edwards@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1243 DepartmentsAthleticsOfficeUC 203
Dr. Edwins Jo AngelaDr. Jo Angela Edwins Professor of English jedwins@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1499 DepartmentsEnglishEnglish and PhilosophyOfficeFH 101More info
Ellis Adalia B.Adalia B. Ellis Part-Time Instructor: Mass Communication aellis@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1629 DepartmentsMass CommunicationOfficeCEMC 104A
Ellis Jennifer Y.Jennifer Y. Ellis Director of Financial Services and Student Accounts jennifer.ellis@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1123 DepartmentsAccountingOfficeSAB 104
Dr. Engelhardt Larry P.Dr. Larry P. Engelhardt Professor of Physics lengelhardt@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1452 DepartmentsPhysics and EngineeringOfficeLSF 103BMore info
Dr. England CatherineDr. Catherine England Associate Professor of English, Interim Composition Coordinator cengland@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1527 DepartmentsComposition ProgramEnglishEnglish and PhilosophyOfficeFH 119More info
Dr. Eskridge-Kosmach Alena N.Dr. Alena N. Eskridge-Kosmach Professor of History aeskridgekosmach@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1556 DepartmentsHistoryOfficeFH 203More info
Etlicher Haley A.Haley A. Etlicher Administrative Specialist-Continuum Haley.Etlicher@fmarion.edu Phone843-374-4219 DepartmentsContinuumOffice
Evans Marion MeadeMarion Meade Evans Manager of Material Services Meade.Evans@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1113 DepartmentsWarehouseOfficeWHSE
Falck LarryLarry Falck Director of Multimedia Services lfalck@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1251 DepartmentsCommunicationsMultimedia ServicesOfficeCEMC 101FMore info
Fallaw MackenzieMackenzie Fallaw Coordinator of Orientation and Admission Events Mackenzie.Fallaw@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1235 DepartmentsAdmissionsEnrollment ManagementOfficeSAB 116
Dr. Fallon Lochran C.Dr. Lochran C. Fallon Associate Professor of English Lochran.Fallon@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1512 DepartmentsEnglishEnglish and PhilosophyOfficeFH 113
Dr. Faykus SueDr. Sue Faykus Part-time Lecturer in Psychology sfaykus@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1624 DepartmentsPsychologyOfficeCEMC 109-KMore info
Fenimore Dawn E.Dawn E. Fenimore Gallery Coordinator Dawn.Fenimore@FMarion.edu Phone843-661-4637 DepartmentsPerforming Arts CenterRegional and Community ProgramsSteven F. Gately GalleryOfficeUniversity Place, 1st Floor
Fenters Roblin C. OTD, MSOT, OTR/LRoblin C. Fenters OTD, MSOT, OTR/L Academic Fieldwork Coordinator, Assistant Professor of Occupational Therapy Roblin.Fenters@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1920 DepartmentsOccupational TherapySchool of Health SciencesOfficeCCHS 352More info
Finley Wesley J.Wesley J. Finley Custodian Wesley.Finley@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1150 DepartmentsCustodial ServicesOfficeFM CP
Dr. Fisher BryanDr. Bryan Fisher Emeritus Faculty of Speech, Years at Francis Marion University: 2003-2024 bfisher@fmarion.edu DepartmentsMass CommunicationOfficeMore info
Dr. Fitzkee ThomasDr. Thomas Fitzkee Chair, Department of Mathematics, Professor of Mathematics tfitzkee@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1572 DepartmentsMathematicsOfficeLSF 409MMore info
Dr. Flannagan RebeccaDr. Rebecca Flannagan Emeritus Faculty of English, 2018-2019 Distinguished Faculty, Years at Francis Marion University: 1995-2024 rflannagan@fmarion.edu DepartmentsEnglishEnglish and PhilosophyOfficeMore info
Flemming JenniferJennifer Flemming Teaching Assistant-Part Time Jennifer.Fleming@Fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1908 DepartmentsRegional and Community ProgramsRichardson Center for the ChildOfficeRCC
Flowers NathanNathan Flowers Systems Librarian, Professor nflowers@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1306 DepartmentsRogers LibraryOfficeRogers Library
Mrs. Floyd Jennifer P.Mrs. Jennifer P. Floyd Laboratory Manager, Biology JFloyd@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1661 DepartmentsBiologyOfficeLSF 206B
Flynn Elizabeth CurryElizabeth Curry Flynn Teaching Assistant Curry.Flynn@FMarion.edu Phone843-661-1630 DepartmentsRegional and Community ProgramsRichardson Center for the ChildOfficeRCC
Fowler ChristinaChristina Fowler Assistant Data Coordinator-Admissions Chrissy.Fowler@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1233 DepartmentsAdmissionsEnrollment ManagementOfficeSAB 113
Dr. Franck David P.Dr. David P. Franck Emeritus Faculty of Economics, Years at FMU: 2001-2022 dfranck@fmarion.edu DepartmentsEconomicsSchool of BusinessOfficeMore info
Freeman LeeLee Freeman Custodian lfreeman@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1103 DepartmentsCustodial ServicesOfficeFM CP
Dr. Fries KarenDr. Karen Fries Professor of Education, Faculty Secretary kfries@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1438 DepartmentsSchool of EducationOfficeSOBE 258 - Office hours are posted on syllabus. Please email to schedule an appointment.More info
Fry Gregory G.Gregory G. Fry Professor of Fine Arts - Graphic Design GFry@Fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1684 DepartmentsFine ArtsOfficeHFACMore info
Fulmer JonathanJonathan Fulmer Electrician Jonathan.Fulmer@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1150 DepartmentsBuilding MaintenanceOfficeWHRS
Dr. Fulmer Philip C.Dr. Philip C. Fulmer Professor of Physics pfulmer@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1443 DepartmentsPhysics and EngineeringOfficeMSB 108AMore info
Gardner J. CliffJ. Cliff Gardner Part-Time Instructor of Instrumental Music jgardner@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1595 DepartmentsFine ArtsMusic IndustryOfficePAC A211More info
Garris EricEric Garris Associate Vice President Financial Services EGarris@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1136 DepartmentsFinancial Services & Budget OfficeOfficeSAB107
Gary EvrikEvrik Gary Director of Admissions Evrik.Gary@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1318 DepartmentsAdmissionsEnrollment ManagementOfficeSAB 113
Dr. Gause Jessica M.Dr. Jessica M. Gause Associate Professor of Chemistry, Tutoring Center Coordinator jmccutcheon@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1715 DepartmentsChemistryTutoring CenterOfficeLSF 303AMore info
Gause Tina T.Tina T. Gause Custodian tgause@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1120 DepartmentsCustodial ServicesOfficeFM CP
Gaynor MarkMark Gaynor Golf Coach mgaynor@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1352 DepartmentsAthleticsOfficeUC 234
George Tracy P. DNP, APRN-BC, CNETracy P. George DNP, APRN-BC, CNE Associate Professor of Nursing, Coordinator of Bachelor of General Studies Program, J.L. Mason Endowed Chair for School of Health Sciences tgeorge@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1683 DepartmentsNursingSchool of Health SciencesOfficeCCHS 351More info
Gibson Johanna H.Johanna H. Gibson Instructor of Mathematics jgibson@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1569 DepartmentsMathematicsOfficeLSF 409UMore info
Gilbert BrittanyBrittany Gilbert Assistant Professor of Fine Arts Brittany.Gilbert@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1534 DepartmentsFine ArtsOfficeHFAC 214More info
Gittings Karen DNP, RN, CNE, CNEcl, CCRNKaren Gittings DNP, RN, CNE, CNEcl, CCRN Dean, School of Health Sciences, Professor of Nursing kgittings@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1688 DepartmentsHealthcare AdministrationNursingOccupational TherapyPhysician Assistant StudiesSchool of Health SciencesSpeech Language PathologyOfficeCCHS 231AMore info
Glass Kate G.Kate G. Glass Event Supervisor-Performing Arts Center Kate.Glass@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1880 DepartmentsPerforming Arts CenterRegional and Community ProgramsOfficePAC
Dr. Goff Brandon D.Dr. Brandon D. Goff Professor of Music Industry bgoff@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1540 DepartmentsFine ArtsMusic IndustryOfficePAC A209More info
Gonsalves ZionZion Gonsalves Police Officer Zion.Gonsalves@FMarion.edu Phone843-661-1109 DepartmentsCampus PoliceOfficeCP FAC
Gore Adam L.Adam L. Gore Benefits and Leave Coordinator Adam.Gore@FMarion.edu Phone843-661-1143 DepartmentsAdministrationHuman Resources OfficeOfficeSAB 105G
Gourley A. Glen Jr.A. Glen Gourley Jr. Professor of Theatre Arts - Directing, Director of University Theatre agourley@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1538 DepartmentsFine ArtsOfficeHFAC 222More info
Dr. Gower Drew B.Dr. Drew B. Gower Assistant Professor of Biology Drew.Gower@FMarion.edu Phone843-661-1899 DepartmentsBiologyFreshwater Ecology ComplexOfficeMSB 301AMore info
Graham Cierra L.Cierra L. Graham Administrative Assistant Cierra.Graham@FMarion.edu Phone843-661-1284 DepartmentsProvost's OfficeOfficeSAB 115
Bernard Graham J.Bernard J. Graham Custodian Bernard.Graham@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1103 DepartmentsCustodial ServicesOfficeFM CP
Graham JessicaJessica Graham Part-Time Women's Volleyball Coach jgraham@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1240 DepartmentsAthleticsOfficeUC 234
Graham Trayton K.Trayton K. Graham Residence Life Coordinator-Residence Halls Tray.Graham@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1375 DepartmentsHousing and Residence LifeOfficeSHO
Prof. Gray DougProf. Doug Gray Professor of Visual Arts - Ceramics/Sculpture dgray@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1535 DepartmentsFine ArtsOfficeHFAC 205More info
Green Eric J.Eric J. Green Eric.Green@FMarion.edu Phone843-661-1152 DepartmentsGrounds MaintenanceOfficeWRHS
Greene Michelle R.Michelle R. Greene Part-Time Instructor of Mathematics mgreene@darlington.K12.sc.us Phone843-661-1590 DepartmentsMathematicsOfficeLSF 409HMore info
Grigg JenniferJennifer Grigg Director of Investor Relations-NESA Jennifer.Grigg@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1170 DepartmentsNorth Eastern Strategic AllianceOffice
Grubbs Susan B.Susan B. Grubbs Emeritus Professor of Nursing sgrubbs@fmarion.edu DepartmentsNursingSchool of Health SciencesOfficeMore info
Dr. Gualdi Paolo A.Dr. Paolo A. Gualdi Professor of Music Industry pgualdi@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1801 DepartmentsFine ArtsMusic IndustryOfficeRS 108More info
Dr. Gunther JeanneDr. Jeanne Gunther Professor of Education, Associate Dean, Graduate Director for the School of Education, Coordinator of EDPD jgunther@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1871Phone 2843-661-1551 DepartmentsSchool of EducationOfficeRCC119 & SOBE 146 - Office hours are posted on syllabus. Please email to schedule an appointment.More info
Dr. Haggard MeganDr. Megan Haggard Chair of the Psychology Department, Associate Professor of Psychology, Chair of the Institutional Review Board mhaggard@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-4685 DepartmentsPsychologyOfficeCEMC 109-GMore info
Dr. Hagler MatthewDr. Matthew Hagler Assistant Professor of Psychology, Clinical/Counseling Option Coordinator Matthew.Hagler@FMarion.edu Phone843-661-1574 DepartmentsPsychologyOfficeCEMC 109-BMore info
Hall RonRon Hall Materials Services Assistant rhall@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1153 DepartmentsMaterials ServicesWarehouseOfficeWHSE
Hamrick Ferrell "Tripp'"Ferrell "Tripp'" Hamrick Assistant Baseball Coach Tripp.Hamrick@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-4624 DepartmentsAthleticsOffice234
Hanberry Chanelle I.Chanelle I. Hanberry Student Services Counselor Chanelle.Hanberry@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1221 DepartmentsEnrollment ManagementFinancial AssistanceOfficeSAB 113B
Dr. Hanson LynnDr. Lynn Hanson Emeritus Faculty of English, Years at Francis Marion University: 1998-2020 LHanson@fmarion.edu DepartmentsEnglishEnglish and PhilosophyOfficeMore info
Hanson Timothy L.Timothy L. Hanson Associate Professor of Mass Communication thanson@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1560 DepartmentsMass CommunicationOfficeCEMC 111-BMore info
Dr. Harding George E. IIIDr. George E. Harding III Faculty Emeritus gharding@fmarion.edu DepartmentsModern LanguagesOfficeMore info
Dr. Harness Nathan C.Dr. Nathan C. Harness Associate Professor of Biology, Coordinator of Biology: Secondary Education Program Nathan.harness@fmarion.edu Phone(843) 661-1405 DepartmentsBiologyOfficeMSB 219B
Harrington SavannahSavannah Harrington Student Services Counselor-Financial Assistance Savannah.Harrington@Fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1194 DepartmentsFinancial AssistanceOfficeSAB 117
Hartzler MurrayMurray Hartzler Director of Athletics, Coordinator of Physical Education Program mhartzler@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1237 DepartmentsAthleticsOfficeUC 234
Harwell KimberlyKimberly Harwell Ticketing Services Manager - Performing Arts Center kharwell@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1896 DepartmentsPerforming Arts CenterRegional and Community ProgramsOfficePAC
Dr. Haselden KathrynDr. Kathryn Haselden Professor of Education, Co-Director of the Center of Excellence for College and Career Readiness khaselden@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1472 DepartmentsCenter of Excellence-College and Career ReadinessSchool of EducationOfficeSOBE 266 - Office hours are posted on syllabus. Please email to schedule an appointment.More info
Hawkins MichaelMichael Hawkins Associate Athletics Director for Media Relations and Marketing mhawkins@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1222 DepartmentsAthleticsOfficeUC 234
Hazelwood William M. MDWilliam M. Hazelwood MD Medical Director, Physician Assistant Program William.Hazelwood@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-4676 DepartmentsPhysician Assistant StudiesSchool of Health SciencesOfficeCCHS 360
Heavner Kelly MEdKelly Heavner MEd Coordinator of Nursing Student Services Kelly.Heavner@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1226 DepartmentsNursingSchool of Health SciencesOfficeLNB 144More info
Henley William P.William P. Henley Assistant Basketball Coach Billy.Henley@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-4624 DepartmentsAthleticsOfficeUC
Hennegan MelodyMelody Hennegan Teacher Assistant Melody.Hennegan@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1900 DepartmentsRegional and Community ProgramsRichardson Center for the ChildOfficeRCC
Henry Ashley J.Ashley J. Henry Part-Time Instructor of Music ashley.henry@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1539 DepartmentsFine ArtsMusic IndustryOfficeHFAC 109More info
Henry Elizabeth M.Elizabeth M. Henry Senior Library Technical Assistant Elizabeth.Henry@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1314 DepartmentsRogers LibraryOfficeRogers Library
Herbert KarenKaren Herbert Chemistry Lab Manager Karen.Herbert@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1446 DepartmentsChemistryOfficeMSB 301 E
Herlong Chad A.Chad A. Herlong Electrician Chad.herlong@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1651 DepartmentsBuilding MaintenanceOfficeWHSE
Dr. Herzog Teresa K.Dr. Teresa K. Herzog Professor Emeritus of Psychology therzog@fmarion.edu DepartmentsPsychologyOfficeMore info
Hester JenniferJennifer Hester Director of Purchasing jdhester@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1161 DepartmentsPurchasingOfficeSAB 102
Dr. Hilb BenjaminDr. Benjamin Hilb AssociateProfessor of English, Interim Assistant Composition Coordinator Benjamin.Hilb@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1718 DepartmentsComposition ProgramEnglishEnglish and PhilosophyOfficeFH-149
Dr. Hill-Chapman Crystal R.Dr. Crystal R. Hill-Chapman School Option Coordinator, Professor of Psychology chillchapman@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1721 DepartmentsPsychologyOfficeCCHS 238More info
Hinson Terri M. BSTerri M. Hinson BS Administrative Assistant - Occupational Therapy terri.hinson@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1531 DepartmentsOccupational TherapySchool of Health SciencesOfficeCCHS 346More info
Dr. Holliman BarbaraDr. Barbara Holliman Associate Professor of Chemistry bholliman@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1449 DepartmentsChemistryOfficeLSF 303B
Holmes Sam T.Sam T. Holmes Head Women's Soccer Coach Sam.Holmes@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1244 DepartmentsAthleticsOfficeGAC
Honaker SandraSandra Honaker Instructor of English shonaker@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1809 DepartmentsEnglishEnglish and PhilosophyOfficeFH 154
Hopla Deborah DNP, APRN-BC, FAANP, FAANDeborah Hopla DNP, APRN-BC, FAANP, FAAN Professor of Nursing, Director of the MSN/DNP Family Nurse Practitioner Tracks dhopla@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1693 DepartmentsNursingSchool of Health SciencesOfficeCCHS 359DMore info
Dr. Hossain Maisha M.Dr. Maisha M. Hossain Assistant Professor of English Maisha.Hossain@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1517 DepartmentsEnglishEnglish and PhilosophyOfficeFH 120
Dr. Houle AdamDr. Adam Houle Assistant Professor of English adam.houle@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1519 DepartmentsEnglishEnglish and PhilosophyOfficeFH150
Dr. Houle Landon L.Dr. Landon L. Houle Associate Professor of English lhoule@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1509 DepartmentsEnglishEnglish and PhilosophyOfficeFH 107More info
Houston DanielDaniel Houston Grounds Maintenance Daniel.Houston@FMarion.edu Phone843-661-1148 DepartmentsGrounds MaintenanceOfficeWRHS
Dr. Howell Samuel H.Dr. Samuel H. Howell Assistant Professor of Art History showell@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1543 DepartmentsFine ArtsOfficeHFAC 209More info
Hruska MeaganMeagan Hruska Part-Time Instructor of Psychology mhruska@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1624 DepartmentsPsychologyOfficeCEMC 109-K
Hucks Julia Marty MN, APRN-BC, CNEJulia Marty Hucks MN, APRN-BC, CNE Assistant Professor of Nursing jhucks@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1695 DepartmentsNursingSchool of Health SciencesOfficeLNB 108More info
Hucks Taylor L.Taylor L. Hucks Project Manager Taylor.Hucks@FMarion.edu Phone843-661-1488 DepartmentsFacilities ManagementOfficeFM CP
Huggins JamesJames Huggins Craftsman - Electrician jhuggins@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1150 DepartmentsBuilding MaintenanceOfficeWHSE
Dr. Hughes MichaelDr. Michael Hughes Professor of Finance mhughes@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1422 DepartmentsFinance-School of BusinessSchool of BusinessOfficeSOBE 133More info
Hume George J.George J. Hume Grounds Maintenance George.Hume@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1152 DepartmentsCustodial ServicesOfficeWHSE
Dr. Hunter Laurie S.Dr. Laurie S. Hunter Associate Professor of Psychology Laurie.Hunter@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1642 DepartmentsPsychologyOfficeCEMC 236 C
Hunter Rex L.Rex L. Hunter Part-time Instructor of Music rlhunter@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1385 DepartmentsFine ArtsOfficeHFAC 101
Dr. Hunter Will PsyD.Dr. Will Hunter PsyD. Director of Counseling & Testing Will.Hunter@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1841 DepartmentsCounseling and Testing CenterOfficeEFB
Hutson DanielleDanielle Hutson Housing Office Manager dhutson@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1672 DepartmentsHousing and Residence LifeOfficeHousing OfficeMore info
Hyman RoyRoy Hyman Craftsman - Painter rlhyman@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-4628 DepartmentsBuilding MaintenanceOfficeWHSE
Dr. Iglesias AnaDr. Ana Iglesias Associate Professor of Management & Forrest S. Williams Professor of Entrepreneurship Ana.Iglesias@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1421 DepartmentsHuman Resource ManagementSchool of BusinessOfficeSOBE 244More info
Isgett Joshua L.Joshua L. Isgett Grounds Maintenance Joshua.Isgett@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1148 DepartmentsGrounds MaintenanceOfficeWHRS
Jackson DonaldDonald Jackson Accountant - Accounts Payable djackson@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1128 DepartmentsAccountingOfficeSAB 103
Jackson Steven L. JrSteven L. Jackson Jr Access Services Coordinator steven.jackson@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1338 DepartmentsRogers LibraryOfficeRogers Library
Jackson Steven Sr.Steven Jackson Sr. Director of Facilities, Support Group Services sjackson@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-4640 DepartmentsCustodial ServicesFacilities ManagementGrounds MaintenanceMaterials ServicesWarehouseOfficePPLT FM CP
Jackson William M.William M. Jackson Trades Specialist William.Jackson2@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1626 DepartmentsBuilding MaintenanceOffice
James David L. DMSc, MPAS, PA-CDavid L. James DMSc, MPAS, PA-C Director of Physician Assistant Studies Program DLJames@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-4426 DepartmentsPhysician Assistant StudiesSchool of Health SciencesOfficeCCHS 359BMore info
James Genien D. BSGenien D. James BS Administrative Assistant-School of Health Sciences Genien.James@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-4625 DepartmentsSchool of Health SciencesOfficeCarter Center 231B
Jardin BiancaBianca Jardin Part-time Instructor of Psychology bjardin@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1624 DepartmentsPsychologyOfficeCEMC 109-K
Jeffcoat Charles E.Charles E. Jeffcoat Professor of Visual Arts - Graphic Design, Peter D. Hyman Professor of Fine Arts cjeffcoat@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1679 DepartmentsFine ArtsOfficeHFAC 104More info
Jenkins DianaDiana Jenkins Instructor of Chemistry DJenkins@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1264 DepartmentsChemistryOfficeLSF 303-I
Jenkins JennJenn Jenkins Catering Manager jjenkins@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1262 DepartmentsDining ServicesOfficeEDH
Johnson AprilApril Johnson Director of Dual Enrollment & Continuing Education aljohnson@fmarion.edu Phone843-374-4215 DepartmentsContinuumEnrollment ManagementOfficeContinuum
Johnson Benjamin M. BABenjamin M. Johnson BA Simulation Laboratory Specialist bmjohnson@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-4697 DepartmentsSchool of Health SciencesOfficeCCHS 336More info
Johnson BernadetteBernadette Johnson Reference/Government Documents, Associate Professor bjjohnson@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1313 DepartmentsRogers LibraryOfficeRogers Library
Dr. Johnson Brad R.Dr. Brad R. Johnson Professor of Accounting, Area Coordinator of Accounting bjohnson@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1427 DepartmentsAccounting-School of BusinessSchool of BusinessOfficeSOBE 227More info
Dr. Johnson Christopher D.Dr. Christopher D. Johnson Professor of English cjohnson@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1518 DepartmentsEnglishEnglish and PhilosophyOfficeFH 151More info
Johnson Dwayne A.Dwayne A. Johnson Trades Specialist Zone Maintenance Dwayne.Johnson@fmarion.edu Phone834-661-1159 DepartmentsBuilding MaintenanceOfficeWHSE
Dr. Johnson EricaDr. Erica Johnson Associate Professor of History, Co-Director African & African American Studies ejohnson@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1497 DepartmentsHistoryOfficeFH 204More info
Johnson KellyKelly Johnson Craftsman - Plumber krjohnson@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1150 DepartmentsBuilding MaintenanceOfficeWHSE
Dr. Johnston CallumDr. Callum Johnston Professor of Emeritus Faculty of Education cjohnston@fmarion.edu DepartmentsSchool of EducationOfficeRCC 113 - Office hours are posted on syllabus. Please email to schedule an appointment.More info
Dr. Jokisch DerekDr. Derek Jokisch Chair, Department of Physics and Engineering, Professor of Physics djokisch@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-4653 DepartmentsPhysics and EngineeringOfficeLSF 103CMore info
Dr. Jones Brian E.Dr. Brian E. Jones Assistant Professor of Music Industry Brian.Jones@FMarion.edu Phone843-661-1595 DepartmentsFine ArtsMusic IndustryOfficePAC A211More info
Jones JustinaJustina Jones Dispatcher Justina.Js@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1109 DepartmentsCampus PoliceOfficeCampus Police
Jones VerneedaVerneeda Jones Custodian vjs@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1103 DepartmentsCustodial ServicesOfficeFM CP
Dr. Jordan Jesse J. '"Mike'"Dr. Jesse J. '"Mike'" Jordan Professor Emeritus DepartmentsPsychologyOfficeMore info
Jordan ThomasThomas Jordan Grounds Maintenance Thomas.Jordan@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1103 DepartmentsGrounds MaintenanceOfficeWHRS
Jordan WallaceWallace Jordan Attorney-Part-Time Jay.Jordan@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1181 DepartmentsGeneral CounselOfficeSAB 111
Dr. Kaminski Kathleen A.Dr. Kathleen A. Kaminski Assistant Professor of Accounting Kathleen.Kaminski@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1501 DepartmentsAccounting-School of BusinessSchool of BusinessOfficeSOBE 251More info
Dr. Kanaparthi MarkDr. Mark Kanaparthi Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering Mark.Kanaparthi@FMarion.edu Phone843-661-1548 DepartmentsMechanical EngineeringPhysics and EngineeringOfficeMSB 108 BMore info
Dr. Kaufman ScottDr. Scott Kaufman Professor of History VKaufman@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1550 DepartmentsHistoryOfficeFH 207More info
Dr. Kaur DaljitDr. Daljit Kaur Professor of Education dkaur@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1478 DepartmentsSchool of EducationOfficeSOBE 257 - Office hours are posted on syllabus. Please email to schedule an appointment.More info
Kellar HallsyHallsy Kellar Part-time Instructor of Psychology hallsy.kellar@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1624 DepartmentsPsychologyOfficeCEMC 109-K
Keller FaithFaith Keller Head of Reference, Associate Professor fkeller@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1399 DepartmentsRogers LibraryOfficeRogers Library
Keller JohnathonJohnathon Keller Programmer Johnathon.Keller@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-4681 DepartmentsCampus TechnologyOfficeSACC 108
Dr. Kelley JenniferDr. Jennifer Kelley Chair, Department of Chemistry, Professor of Chemistry jkelley@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1492 DepartmentsChemistryOfficeLSF 303-C
Kelly C. AnnC. Ann Kelly Administrative Manager ckelly@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1894 DepartmentsPerforming Arts CenterRegional and Community ProgramsOfficePAC
Kelly DarrylDarryl Kelly Custodian dkelly@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1103 DepartmentsCustodial ServicesOfficeFM CP
Kelly Rachel A.Rachel A. Kelly Administrative Manager – Education Foundation Rachel.Kelly@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1295 DepartmentsEducation FoundationOfficeSAB 111
Kennedy Brigid E.Brigid E. Kennedy Human Resources Manager BKennedy@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1144 DepartmentsAdministrationHuman Resources OfficeOfficeSAB 105More info
Dr. Kennedy Christopher M.Dr. Christopher M. Kennedy Director of Honors, Professor of History CKennedy@FMarion.edu Phone843-661-1557 DepartmentsHistoryHonorsOfficeHC 104More info
Kennedy Colleen E.Colleen E. Kennedy Part Time Instructor of Fine Arts Colleen.Kennedy@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1385 DepartmentsFine ArtsOfficeHFACMore info
Kennedy Lynn D. MN, RNLynn D. Kennedy MN, RN Emeritus Assistant Professor of Nursing lkennedy@fmarion.edu DepartmentsNursingOfficeMore info
Kershner Sarah PhD, MPHSarah Kershner PhD, MPH Chair, Healthcare Administration, Associate Professor of Public Health skershner@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1694 DepartmentsHealthcare AdministrationSchool of Health SciencesOfficeLNB 128More info
Dr. Kiely Kristin A.Dr. Kristin A. Kiely Professor of Spanish, Coordinator of Modern Languages - Spanish Program KKiely@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1714 DepartmentsModern LanguagesOfficeCEMC 113 EMore info
Dr. King Peter D.Dr. Peter D. King Emeritus Professor of Biology, Former Provost PKing@fmarion.edu DepartmentsBiologyOfficeYears at FMU: 1996-2023More info
Kirby Jamie E.Jamie E. Kirby Part Time Spanish Instructor jamie.kirby2@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1605 DepartmentsModern LanguagesOfficeCEMC 113C
Dr. Kirby Jason R.Dr. Jason R. Kirby Assistant Professor of History, Coordinator Secondary-Education History Track jason.kirby@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1555 DepartmentsHistoryOfficeFH 211More info
Dr. Kirby Jordan E.Dr. Jordan E. Kirby Assistant Professor of Mathematics Jordan.Kirby@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1587 DepartmentsMathematicsOfficeLSF 409G
Prof. Knowles Travis W.Prof. Travis W. Knowles Associate Professor of Biology, Director of Wildsumaco Biological Field Station, Shirley Malloy Chair in Biology tknowles@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1408 DepartmentsBiologyOfficeMSB 201H
Kocz Jillian J. Ed.D., MSOT, OTR/L, CLWT/COREJillian J. Kocz Ed.D., MSOT, OTR/L, CLWT/CORE Assistant Professor of Occupational Therapy Jillian.Kocz@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1843 DepartmentsOccupational TherapySchool of Health SciencesOfficeCCHS 354
Dr. Koomson PaulDr. Paul Koomson Asssistant Professor of Mass Communication Paul.Koomson@FMarion.edu Phone843-661-1617 DepartmentsMass CommunicationOfficeCEMC 111D
Kranz Timothy K.Timothy K. Kranz Systems Programmer/Developer Tim.Kranz@FMarion.edu Phone843-661-1340 DepartmentsCampus TechnologyOfficeACC 102
Dr. Krebs Julia E.Dr. Julia E. Krebs Emeritus Professor of Biology DepartmentsBiologyOfficeYears at FMU: 1977-2010
Dr. Kunka Jennifer L.Dr. Jennifer L. Kunka Associate Provost for Advising, Professor of English jkunka@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1520 DepartmentsCenter for Academic Success and AdvisementEnglishEnglish and PhilosophyProvost's OfficeOfficeFH 220More info
Dr. Kyer Ben L.Dr. Ben L. Kyer Emeritus Faculty of Economics, Distinguished Faculty 1992-1993, Years at Francis Marion University: 1989-2024 bkyer@fmarion.edu DepartmentsEconomicsSchool of BusinessOfficeMore info
Lane RachelRachel Lane Executive Director of the Kelley Center for Economic Development Rachel.Lane@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-4606 DepartmentsEconomic DevelopmentKelley Center for Economic DevelopmentOfficeUniv 207
Dr. Lasher Kevin J.Dr. Kevin J. Lasher Emeritus Faculty of Political Science, Years at FMU: 1993-2022 klasher@fmarion.edu DepartmentsPolitical ScienceOfficeMore info
Law TamaraTamara Law Assistant Professor Reference/Instruction Librarian Tamara.Law@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1302 DepartmentsRogers LibraryOfficeRogers Library
Dr. Lawrimore-Belanger KayDr. Kay Lawrimore-Belanger N.B. Baroody Professor of Marketing klawrimore@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1424 DepartmentsMarketingSchool of BusinessOfficeSOBE 243More info
Dr. Lee WonjaeDr. Wonjae Lee Assistant Professor of Industrial Engineering Wonjae.Lee@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1659 DepartmentsIndustrial EngineeringPhysics and EngineeringOfficeMSB-101B
Leiter LaszloLaszlo Leiter Head Women's and Men's Tennis Coach Laszlo.Leiter@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1185 DepartmentsAthleticsOfficeUC 234
LeMaster Lauren StanleyLauren Stanley LeMaster Accountant - Payroll Assistant llemaster@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1124 DepartmentsAccountingOfficeSAB 103
Dr. Lemke TobiasDr. Tobias Lemke Assistant Professor of Political Science Tobias.Lemke@FMarion.edu Phone843-661-1440 DepartmentsPolitical ScienceOfficeFH 130
Lester TonyTony Lester Assistant Superintendent of Grounds ALester@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1152 DepartmentsFacilities ManagementGrounds MaintenanceOfficeWHSE
Dr. Li RongzhiDr. Rongzhi Li Assistant Professor of Education Rongzhi.Li@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1480 DepartmentsSchool of EducationOfficeSOBE 259
Dr. Lipford Jody W.Dr. Jody W. Lipford Associate Professor of Economics Jody.Lipford@FMarion.edu Phone843-661-1650 DepartmentsEconomicsSchool of BusinessOfficeSOBE 249More info
Lisenby BreannaBreanna Lisenby Digital Media Coordinator Breanna.Lisenby@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1253 DepartmentsCommunicationsOfficeSAB 101
Locklear Jimmy D.Jimmy D. Locklear Trades Specialist Jimmy.Locklear@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1150 DepartmentsBuilding MaintenanceOfficeWHRS
Dr. Long Gerald W.Dr. Gerald W. Long Emeritus Professor of Biology DepartmentsBiologyOfficeYears at FMU: 1993-2024
Dr. LoPresto KevinDr. Kevin LoPresto Associate Professor of Mathematics Education klopresto@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1592 DepartmentsMathematicsOfficeLSF 409DMore info
Dr. Love MeredithDr. Meredith Love Chair of English and Philosophy, Professor of English mlove@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1522 DepartmentsEnglishEnglish and PhilosophyOfficeFH 110More info
Lowry Andrew T.Andrew T. Lowry Admissions Counselor – Upstate Counties: Abbeville, Anderson, Cherokee, Chester, Chesterfield, Fairfield, Greenville, Greenwood, Kershaw, Lancaster, Laurens, McCormick, Marlboro, Newberry, Oconee, Pickens, Spartanburg, Union, York Andrew.Lowry@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-4636 DepartmentsAdmissionsEnrollment ManagementOfficeSAB 112
Dr. Lowry ErikDr. Erik Lowry Dean of the School of Education, Professor of Education elowry@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1523 DepartmentsCenter for Autism StudiesCenter of Excellence for Teachers of Children of PovertyCOE - Teacher Retention & Induction in the Pee Dee (TRIP)School of EducationOfficeSOBE 151 - Office hours are posted on syllabus. Please email to schedule an appointment.More info
Lucas Felicity V.Felicity V. Lucas Administrative Assistant Felicity.Lucas@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1300 DepartmentsRogers LibraryOfficeRL
Lufkin Sylvia PhD, RNSylvia Lufkin PhD, RN Emeritus Professor of Nursing DepartmentsNursingOfficeMore info
Lundy Howard G.Howard G. Lundy Instructor and Administrative Manager hlundy@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1214 DepartmentsAccounting-School of BusinessSchool of BusinessOfficeSOBE 231More info
Lydell Rachelle G. OTD, MSOT, OTR/LRachelle G. Lydell OTD, MSOT, OTR/L Director of the Occupational Therapy Program, Assistant Professor of Occupational Therapy Rachelle.Lydell@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1667 DepartmentsOccupational TherapySchool of Health SciencesOfficeCCHS 348More info
Dr. Lyles Jennifer K.Dr. Jennifer K. Lyles Associate Professor of Biology, Coordinator of Pre-Physician Assistant Program jlyles@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1401 DepartmentsBiologyOfficeMSB 201AMore info
Lynch MichaelMichael Lynch Superintendent of Grounds Maintenance Michael.Lynch@FMarion.edu Phone843-661-1152 DepartmentsFacilities ManagementGrounds MaintenanceOfficeWRHS
MacDonald PaulPaul MacDonald Assistant Vice President of Contractual Services pmacdonald@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1134 DepartmentsFinancial Services & Budget OfficeOfficeSAB 107
MacNeil ChuckChuck MacNeil Foundation Assistant – Part Time Chuck.MacNeil@fmarion.edu Phone843-250-5088 DepartmentsEconomic DevelopmentEducation FoundationOfficeSAB 111
Ms. Majors Jennifer L.Ms. Jennifer L. Majors Part-Time Instructor of Biology jmajors@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1382 DepartmentsBiologyOfficeLSF 204
Manglass LisaLisa Manglass Assistant Professor of Physics Lisa.Manglass@FMarion.edu Phone843-661-1580 DepartmentsPhysics and EngineeringOfficeLSF 103I
Dr. Marley JasonDr. Jason Marley Associate Professor of English jmarley@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1493 DepartmentsEnglishEnglish and PhilosophyOfficeFH 148More info
Marsh Blake P.Blake P. Marsh Craftsman Locksmith Blake.Marsh@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-4629 DepartmentsFacilities ManagementWarehouseOfficeWRHS
Martin Kevin D.Kevin D. Martin Assistant Men's Soccer Coach kevin.martin@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1245 DepartmentsAthleticsOfficeUC 234
Mason PaulPaul Mason Grounds Maintenance Paul.Mason@FMarion.edu Phone843-661-1148 DepartmentsGrounds MaintenanceOfficeWRHS
Dr. Masters-Wheeler ChristineDr. Christine Masters-Wheeler Associate Professor of English, Professional Writing Program Coordinator cmasters@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1806 DepartmentsEnglishEnglish and PhilosophyOfficeFH 102More info
Matthews FisherFisher Matthews Student Life Specialist for Student Development Fisher.Matthews@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1183 DepartmentsStudent ConductStudent Health ServicesStudent LifeOfficeUC 205 C
McAllister OsbeyOsbey McAllister Grounds Maintenance Osbey.McAllister@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1152 DepartmentsGrounds MaintenanceOfficeWRHS
McCandrew DebiDebi McCandrew Instructor of Mathematics debi.mccandrew@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1526 DepartmentsMathematicsOfficeLSF 409B
McCarty MatthewMatthew McCarty Assistant Baseball Coach Matt.McCarty@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-4624 DepartmentsAthleticsOfficeUC
McClam Tracy A.Tracy A. McClam Administrative Associate-School of Business Tracy.McClam@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1420 DepartmentsSchool of BusinessOfficeSOBE 127
McClam Mack Marilyn E. M.A., CCC-SLPMarilyn E. McClam Mack M.A., CCC-SLP Coordinator of Clinical Education-Speech Language Pathology Marilyn.McClamMack@fmarion.edu Phone834-661-1664 DepartmentsSchool of Health SciencesSpeech Language PathologyOfficeLMEC 020More info
McClintock AdrienAdrien McClintock Student Life Specialist Adrien.McClintock@FMarion.edu Phone843-661-1188 DepartmentsStudent LifeOfficeUC
McCormick A. MariaA. Maria McCormick Administrative Assistant -Mathematics amccormick@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1589 DepartmentsMathematicsOfficeLSF 409Y
McCoy KathyKathy McCoy Instructor of Mathematics KMcCoy@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1578 DepartmentsMathematicsOfficeLSF 409IMore info
Dr. McCuiston KimberlyDr. Kimberly McCuiston Associate Professor of Education, Director of Field and Clinical Experiences, Certification Officer, Co-Director - Teacher Retention and Induction in the Pee Dee (TRIP) KMcCuiston@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1462 DepartmentsCOE - Teacher Retention & Induction in the Pee Dee (TRIP)School of EducationOfficeSOBE 145 - Office hours are posted on syllabus. Please email to schedule an appointment.More info
Dr. McCumber Larry J.Dr. Larry J. McCumber Emeritus Professor of Biology DepartmentsBiologyOfficeYears at FMU: 1982-2015
McElveen Suzette R.Suzette R. McElveen Part-Time Instructor of Psychology smcelveen@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1624 DepartmentsPsychologyOfficeCEMC 109-KMore info
McElveen William D.William D. McElveen Part-Time Instructor of Psychology Phone(843) 661-1624 DepartmentsPsychologyOfficeCEMC 109-K
McGee BrandiBrandi McGee Part-time Instructor of Psychology brandi.mcgee@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1624 DepartmentsPsychologyOfficeCEMC 109-K
McGee Hunter O.Hunter O. McGee Director of Facilities and Event Operations Hunter.McGee@FMarion.edu Phone843-661-4627 DepartmentsAthleticsOfficeUC 234
McKelvie DeandriaDeandria McKelvie Student Services Counselor Deandria.McKelvie@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-4675 DepartmentsEnrollment ManagementRegistrarOfficeSAB 118
McKithen NickNick McKithen Motor Pool Supervisor nmckithen@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1106 DepartmentsFacilities ManagementMotor PoolOfficeWHSE
Dr. Medaugh MelissaDr. Melissa Medaugh Assistant Professor of Managment Melissa.Medaugh@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1436 DepartmentsHuman Resource ManagementSchool of BusinessOfficeSOEB 240More info
Melton Madison T.Madison T. Melton Administrative Coordinator Madison.Melton@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1110 DepartmentsExecutive Vice President's OfficeFinancial Services & Budget OfficeOfficeSAB 107
Mr. Meyer Dustin M.Mr. Dustin M. Meyer Assistant Professor of English Dustin.Meyer@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1514 DepartmentsEnglishEnglish and PhilosophyOfficeFH 152
Dr. Midcalf LisaDr. Lisa Midcalf Associate Professor of Education, Co-Coordinator For Teaching Fellows, Education Club Advisor lmidcalf@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1467 DepartmentsSchool of EducationOfficeSOBE 256 - Office hours are posted on syllabus. Please email to schedule an appointment.More info
Middleton Kellie LaVaun DNP-NEL, MSN-NE, RNKellie LaVaun Middleton DNP-NEL, MSN-NE, RN Assistant Professor of Nursing, Skills Laboratory Coordinator kellie.middleton@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1907 DepartmentsNursingSchool of Health SciencesOfficeLNB 130More info
Miller CindyCindy Miller Media Cataloging Librarian, Assistant Professor cprice@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1354 DepartmentsRogers LibraryOfficeRogers Library
Dr. Miller Shawn E.Dr. Shawn E. Miller Associate Professor of English smiller@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1716 DepartmentsEnglishEnglish and PhilosophyOfficeFH 145More info
Mitchell NeshaNesha Mitchell Desktop Support Technician Nesha.mitchell@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1397 DepartmentsCampus TechnologyOfficeSACC 108
Mixon Julie S.Julie S. Mixon Associate Professor of Art - Photography jmixon@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1541 DepartmentsFine ArtsOfficeHFAC 208More info
Moahammadi Arash DehghaniArash Dehghani Moahammadi Grounds Maintenance Phone843-661-1152 DepartmentsWarehouseOfficeWRHS
Dr. Molinari KileyDr. Kiley Molinari Assistant Professor of Anthropology kiley.molinari@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1813 DepartmentsSociologyOfficeFH 241More info
Montgomery JamiaJamia Montgomery Clinical Coordinator of Behavioral Health Jamia.Montgomery@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1666 DepartmentsBehavioral Health ClinicPsychologyOfficeLEMC 018
Moore ChristopherChristopher Moore Captain cmoore@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1109 DepartmentsCampus PoliceOfficeCampus Police
Moore Michael J.Michael J. Moore Admissions Counselor – Lowcountry/Coastal Counties: Beaufort, Berkeley, Charleston, Colleton, Dillon, Dorchester, Georgetown, Hampton, Horry, Jasper, Marion, Williamsburg Michael.Moore@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1221 DepartmentsAdmissionsEnrollment ManagementOfficeSAB 113B
Moore SharaShara Moore Director of Financial Planning smoore@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1132 DepartmentsFinancial Services & Budget OfficeOfficeSAB 107
Moore Sherrie Y.Sherrie Y. Moore Administrative Assistant - Mass Communication & Modern Languages Sherrie.Moore@FMarion.edu Phone843-661-1605 DepartmentsMass CommunicationModern LanguagesOfficeCEMC 112
Moore WendyWendy Moore Technical Services Librarian, Assistant Professor wmoore@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1308 DepartmentsRogers LibraryOfficeRogers Library
Moore Whitney P. B.S.Whitney P. Moore B.S. Administrative Assistant-Speech Language Pathology Whitney.Moore@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1847 DepartmentsSchool of Health SciencesSpeech Language PathologyOfficeLMEC 307More info
Morgan Jeannine M.Jeannine M. Morgan Accountant-Accounts Receivable Jeannine.Morgan@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1127 DepartmentsAccountingOfficeSAB 103
Dr. Morgan Kyle J.Dr. Kyle J. Morgan Assistant Professor of Political Science Kyle.Morgan@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1615 DepartmentsPolitical ScienceOfficeFH 138More info
Morris CorettaCoretta Morris Lead Custodian CMorris@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1103 DepartmentsCustodial ServicesOfficeFM CP
Mouzon RebeccaRebecca Mouzon Office Manager Rebecca.Mouzon@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1286 DepartmentsProvost's OfficeOfficeSAB 115
Mumford-Durant CarolynCarolyn Mumford-Durant Building/Grounds Supervisor II, Motor Pool cmumforddurant@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1105 DepartmentsBuilding MaintenanceCustodial ServicesFacilities ManagementGrounds MaintenanceMaterials ServicesMotor PoolWarehouseOfficeFM CP
Mungo FalonFalon Mungo Custodian Falon.Mungo@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1108 DepartmentsCustodial ServicesOfficeFAC
Munn Allison C. PhD, RNAllison C. Munn PhD, RN Associate Professor of Nursing amunn@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1898 DepartmentsNursingSchool of Health SciencesOfficeLNB 127More info
Dr. Munn Johnathan G.Dr. Johnathan G. Munn Associate Dean of School of Business, Professor of Economics, Henry Booker Sparrow Chair of Economics & Economics Forecasting jmunn@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1496 DepartmentsEconomicsSchool of BusinessOfficeSOBE 130More info
Dr. Murphy Ron T.Dr. Ron T. Murphy Emeritus Faculty of Psychology, Years at FMU: 2006-2022 DepartmentsPsychologyOfficeMore info
Murray NicholeNichole Murray Library Specialist – Cataloging navant@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1338 DepartmentsRogers LibraryOfficeRogers Library
Dr. Myers Jeannette M.Dr. Jeannette M. Myers Professor of Astronomy, Coordinator of Astronomy Program, Director of Dooley Planetarium jmyers@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1441 DepartmentsPhysics and EngineeringOfficeLSF 103FMore info
Dr. Nagata Mary LouiseDr. Mary Louise Nagata Emeritus Faculty of History, Years at Francis Marion University: 2005-2024 mnagata@fmarion.edu DepartmentsHistoryOfficeMore info
Narayan PadmaPadma Narayan Instructor of Mathematics pnarayan@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1575 DepartmentsMathematicsOfficeLSF 409AMore info
Narciso AndreaAndrea Narciso Custodian anarciso@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1103 DepartmentsCustodial ServicesOfficeFM CP
Dr. Nelson LarryDr. Larry Nelson Faculty Emeritus in History, Former Chair: Department of History DepartmentsHistoryOfficeMore info
Dr. Nelson MatthewDr. Matthew Nelson Professor of English, Co-Director of the Center of Excellence for College and Career Readiness mnelson@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1500 DepartmentsCenter of Excellence-College and Career ReadinessEnglishEnglish and PhilosophyOfficeFH 109More info
Dr. Nery-Kjerfve TaniaDr. Tania Nery-Kjerfve Assistant Professor of Managment Tania.NeryKjerfve@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1431 DepartmentsHuman Resource ManagementSchool of BusinessOfficeSOBE 245More info
Nobles Mary J.Mary J. Nobles Custodian Mary.Nobles@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1103 DepartmentsCustodial ServicesOfficeFMCP
Norman EmilyEmily Norman Academic Advisor in CASA emily.norman@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1986 DepartmentsCenter for Academic Success and AdvisementOfficeFH 220More info
Norman Michele L. PhD, CCC-SLP, ASHA FellowMichele L. Norman PhD, CCC-SLP, ASHA Fellow Graduate Studies Coordinator, Associate Professor of Speech-Language Pathology Michele.Norman@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1885 DepartmentsSchool of Health SciencesSpeech Language PathologyOfficeLMEC 301More info
Norris JudyJudy Norris Administrative Assistant-Part Time-Center of Excellence-College and Career Readiness jnorris@fmarion.edu Phone(843) 661-1392 DepartmentsCenter of Excellence-College and Career ReadinessOfficeFG COE 120
Nunnally Adam D.Adam D. Nunnally Police Officer Adam.Nunnally@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1109 DepartmentsCampus PoliceOfficeCP
Dr. O'Kelley Sharon K.Dr. Sharon K. O'Kelley Professor of Mathematics, Undergraduate Program Coordinator for Secondary Mathematics, Chair of Faculty sokelley@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1579 DepartmentsMathematicsOfficeLSF 402More info
Odasco John B.John B. Odasco Admissions Counselor – Local Counties: Darlington and Florence John.Odasco@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1234 DepartmentsAdmissionsEnrollment ManagementOfficeSAB 113E
Odom Tiara X.Tiara X. Odom Procurement Manager Tiara.Odom@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1164 DepartmentsPurchasingOfficeSAB 102
Osik Tyler L.Tyler L. Osik Assistant Baseball Coach Tyler.Osik@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1240 DepartmentsAthleticsOfficeUC 234
Owens AshleyAshley Owens Director of Financial Assistance aowens@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1193 DepartmentsEnrollment ManagementFinancial AssistanceOfficeSAB 117
Owens SherrySherry Owens Administrative Assistant - Chemistry, Physics and Engineering sowens@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1381 DepartmentsChemistryPhysics and EngineeringOfficeLSF 103
Dr. Padgett Caroliniana S.Dr. Caroliniana S. Padgett John Kassab Professor of Business, Professor of Economics, Area Coordinator of Economics cpadgett@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1442 DepartmentsEconomicsSchool of BusinessOfficeSOBE 235More info
Page Tyrese J.Tyrese J. Page Custodian Tyrese.Page@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1103 DepartmentsCustodial ServicesOfficeFM CP
Paison Courtney MHA, PA-CCourtney Paison MHA, PA-C Assistant Professor- Physician Assistant Program Courtney.Paison@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1922 DepartmentsPhysician Assistant StudiesSchool of Health SciencesOfficeCCHS 358
Dr. Panza NicoleDr. Nicole Panza Associate Professor of Mathematics, Coordinator of First Year Initiatives npanza@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1585 DepartmentsGender StudiesMathematicsOfficeLSF 409EMore info
Dr. Park HaeseongDr. Haeseong Park Assistant Professor of History Phone843-661-1554 DepartmentsHistoryOffice
Parker Anthony J.Anthony J. Parker Trades Specialist Anthony.Parker@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1651 DepartmentsBuilding MaintenanceOfficeWRHS
Parrott Patricia E.Patricia E. Parrott Materials Services Assistant Patricia.Parrott@FMarion.edu Phone843-661-1150 DepartmentsMaterials ServicesWarehouseOfficeWHRS
Pate Jerome Jr.Jerome Pate Jr. Supervisor of Custodial Services - Night Crew jpate@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1103 DepartmentsCustodial ServicesOfficeFM CP
Patrick Crystal D.Crystal D. Patrick Senior Accountant-Cash Manager Crystal.Patrick@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-4630 DepartmentsAccountingOfficeSAB 103
Dr. Pawloski TammyDr. Tammy Pawloski Director, Center of Excellence for Teachers of Children of Poverty, Professor of Education tpawloski@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1510 DepartmentsCenter of Excellence for Teachers of Children of PovertySchool of EducationOfficeSOBE 265 - Office hours are posted on syllabus. Please email to schedule an appointment.More info
Payne ToriTori Payne Graphic Artist tori.payne@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1270 DepartmentsCommunicationsOfficeSAB 101
Dr. Perez Lauren K.Dr. Lauren K. Perez Assistant Professor of Political Science Lauren.Perez@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1613 DepartmentsGender StudiesPolitical ScienceOfficeFH 134
Dr. Peterson LeRoy Jr.Dr. LeRoy Peterson Jr. Professor of Chemistry lpeterson@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1454 DepartmentsChemistryOfficeMSB 301-FMore info
Phillips J. LeeJ. Lee Phillips Instructor of Mathematics jphillips@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1588 DepartmentsMathematicsOfficeLSF 409RMore info
Phillips Tiffany DNP, NP-CTiffany Phillips DNP, NP-C Associate Professor of Nursing tphillips@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1835 DepartmentsNursingSchool of Health SciencesOfficeCCHS 355More info
Pickett JohnJohn Pickett Estate Groundskeeper jpickett@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1152 DepartmentsGrounds MaintenanceOfficeWHSE
Prof. Pike Lisa A.Prof. Lisa A. Pike Associate Professor of Biology lpike@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1411 DepartmentsBiologyOfficeLSF 204DMore info
Polite ErickErick Polite Warehouse epolite@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1152 DepartmentsWarehouseOfficeWHSE
Porter JeriJeri Porter Head Women's Basketball Coach jporter@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1249 DepartmentsAthleticsOfficeUC 234C
Poston Ashley C.Ashley C. Poston Lead Teacher Three Year Old Classroom Ashley.Poston@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1630 DepartmentsRegional and Community ProgramsRichardson Center for the ChildOfficeRCC
Dr. Poston Kay M.Dr. Kay M. Poston Professor of Accounting kposton@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1476 DepartmentsAccounting-School of BusinessSchool of BusinessOfficeSOBE 250More info
Dr. Potter MichaelDr. Michael Potter Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Coordinator of Mechanical Engineering Michael.Potter@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1626 DepartmentsMechanical EngineeringPhysics and EngineeringOfficeMSB 101-AMore info
Poulsen Cory M.Cory M. Poulsen Assistant Baseball Coach Cory.Poulsen@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-4624 DepartmentsAthleticsOfficeUC234More info
Pressley Tiffany DNP, APRN, PMHNP-BC, CNE, CMSRNTiffany Pressley DNP, APRN, PMHNP-BC, CNE, CMSRN Assistant Professor of Nursing Coordinator of the MSN/DNP Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner Tracks, & Post-Master’s Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner Certificate Tiffany.Pressley@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-4659 DepartmentsNursingSchool of Health SciencesOfficeCCHS 359AMore info
Price Sydney A.Sydney A. Price Admissions Counselor – Midlands Counties: Aiken, Allendale, Bamberg, Barnwell, Calhoun, Clarendon, Edgefield, Lexington, Lee, Orangeburg, Richland, Saluda, Sumter Sydney.Price@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-4692 DepartmentsAdmissionsEnrollment ManagementOfficeSAB 113
Prosser Evelyn E.Evelyn E. Prosser Student Life Specialist for Student Engagement Evelyn.Prosser@FMarion.edu Phone843-661-1677 DepartmentsStudent LifeOfficeUC 205 F
Prosser Jeremy B.Jeremy B. Prosser Accountant-Student Receivables Jeremy.Prosser@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1320 DepartmentsAccountingOfficeSAB 104
Dr. Pryor Greg S.Dr. Greg S. Pryor Professor of Biology, Co-Coordinator of Medical Laboratory Science Program gpryor@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1403 DepartmentsBiologyOfficeMSB 301DMore info
Dr. Rae John G. IIIDr. John G. Rae III Emeritus Professor of Biology DepartmentsBiologyOfficeYears at FMU: 1988-2013
Rainwater Brianne N.Brianne N. Rainwater Lead Teacher Four Year Old Classroom Brianne.Rainwater@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1630 DepartmentsRegional and Community ProgramsRichardson Center for the ChildOfficeRCC
Dr. Rajagopalan HariDr. Hari Rajagopalan Dean of the School of Business, Eugene A Fallon Jr. Professor of Management HRajagopalan@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1420 DepartmentsSchool of BusinessSupply Chain ManagementOfficeSOBE 125More info
Rao PadmajaPadmaja Rao Assistant Professor of Computer Science, Area Coordinator of Computer Science mrao@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1591 DepartmentsComputer ScienceSchool of BusinessOfficeSOBE 236More info
Razick DanageneDanagene Razick Associate Director of Human Resources- Administrative Services drazick@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1142 DepartmentsAdministrationHuman Resources OfficeOfficeSAB 105More info
Reeves ShaneShane Reeves Part-Time Instructor of Music sreeves@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1595 DepartmentsFine ArtsMusic IndustryOfficePAC A211More info
Dr. Reichmuth Jessica M.Dr. Jessica M. Reichmuth Assistant Professor of Biology Jessica.Reichmuth@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1388 DepartmentsBiologyFreshwater Ecology ComplexOfficeMSB 301
Dr. Rentsch Jeremy D.Dr. Jeremy D. Rentsch Associate Professor of Biology jrentsch@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1407 DepartmentsBiologyOfficeLSF 204I
Dr. Reynolds MeredithDr. Meredith Reynolds Professor of English mreynolds@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1568 DepartmentsEnglishEnglish and PhilosophyOfficeFH 121More info
Rhoads LauraLaura Rhoads Director of Accounting Services lrhoads@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1121 DepartmentsAccountingOfficeSAB 103
Dr. Richardson Cheri L.Dr. Cheri L. Richardson Director of Housing and Resident Life crichardson@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1330 DepartmentsHousing and Residence LifeOfficeHousing OfficeMore info
Richey Jonathan M.Jonathan M. Richey Corporal Jonathan.Richey@fmarion.edu Phone(843) 661-1109 DepartmentsCampus PoliceOfficeCampus Police
Richey MikeMike Richey Director of Facilities Engineering & Maintenance mrichey@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1104 DepartmentsBuilding MaintenanceFacilities ManagementOfficePPLT
Rincon Luis H.Luis H. Rincon Head Men's Soccer Coach luis.rincon@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1241 DepartmentsAthleticsOfficeUC 230
Dr. Ritter JamesDr. James Ritter Associate Professor of Education, CAEP Accreditation Coordinator, CREATE Center Director for FMU, M.A.T. - Multi-Categorical Program Coordinator James.Ritter@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1468 DepartmentsSchool of EducationOfficeSOBE 144 - Office hours are posted on syllabus. Please email to schedule an appointment.More info
Robbins CristalCristal Robbins Dispatcher / Assistant Terminal Agency Controller crobbins@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1109 DepartmentsCampus PoliceOfficeCampus Police
Dr. Roberts TerryDr. Terry Roberts Coordinator of Music Program, Director of Instrumental Activities, Professor of Music troberts@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1681 DepartmentsFine ArtsOfficePAC A210More info
Robinson Amiaya N.Amiaya N. Robinson Administrative Specialist- Nursing Amiaya.Robinson@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1689 DepartmentsNursingSchool of Health SciencesOfficeLNB 202
Robinson Carolyn C.Carolyn C. Robinson Caroline.Robinson@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1906 DepartmentsRegional and Community ProgramsRichardson Center for the ChildOfficeRCC
Robinson J. DarrenJ. Darren Robinson Craftsman - Electrician jrobinson@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1150 DepartmentsBuilding MaintenanceOfficeWHSE
Robinson NikkiNikki Robinson Custodian nrobinson@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1103 DepartmentsCustodial ServicesOfficeFM CP
Rodriguez SaraSara Rodriguez Student Services Counselor Sara.rodriguez@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1178 DepartmentsRegistrarOfficeSAB 118
Dr. Rodriguez-Medina EdnalizDr. Ednaliz Rodriguez-Medina Assistant Professor of Biology, Coordinator of Pre-Medical Program ednaliz.rodriguez@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1627 DepartmentsBiologyOfficeMSB 301I
Rogers CarlaCarla Rogers Programmer crogers@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1398 DepartmentsCampus TechnologyOfficeSACC 102
Rogers RussellRussell Rogers Craftsman rdrogers@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1150 DepartmentsBuilding MaintenanceOfficeWHSE
Dr. Rooks Pamela A.Dr. Pamela A. Rooks Emeritus Faculty of English, Distinguished Faculty, Years at Francis Marion University: 1989-2020 prooks@fmarion.edu DepartmentsEnglishEnglish and PhilosophyOfficeMore info
Dr. Rowan JohnDr. John Rowan Vice President for Enrollment Management John.Rowan@FMarion.edu Phone843-661-1287 DepartmentsAdmissionsContinuumEnrollment ManagementFinancial AssistanceRegistrarOfficeSAB 116
Dr. Rubin KonstantinDr. Konstantin Rubin Assistant Professor of Computer Science SRubin@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1542 DepartmentsComputer ScienceSchool of BusinessOfficeSOBE 234More info
Rueb Brittany T.Brittany T. Rueb Acrobatic and Tumbling Head Coach Brittany.Rueb@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1247 DepartmentsAthleticsOfficeUC
Russ DarryDarry Russ Desktop Support Technician darry.russ@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1581 DepartmentsCampus TechnologyOfficeSACC 108
Russell Nina M. DNP, FNP-C, MSN-Ed., APRNNina M. Russell DNP, FNP-C, MSN-Ed., APRN Associate Professor of Nursing, Coordinator of the RN to BSN Track nrussell@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1682 DepartmentsNursingSchool of Health SciencesOfficeLNB 106More info
Sadler Michael RMichael R Sadler Grounds Maintenance Michael.sadler@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1152 DepartmentsGrounds MaintenanceOfficeWHRS
Dr. SaizdeLaMora KitDr. Kit SaizdeLaMora Assistant Professor of Education, Coordinator of Early Childhood Education Program, Coordinator of Montessori Education Graduate Programs Kit.Saizdelamora@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1487 DepartmentsGender StudiesSchool of EducationOfficeSOBE 255 - Office hours are posted on syllabus. Please email to schedule an appointment.More info
Sallenger Joseph W.Joseph W. Sallenger Fine Arts Center Manager jsallenger@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1385 DepartmentsFine ArtsOfficeHFAC 101More info
Samuel Kelsey C.Kelsey C. Samuel Purchasing Manager Kelsey.Samuel@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1160 DepartmentsPurchasingOfficeSAB 118
Sanderson Chelsea A.Chelsea A. Sanderson Administrative Assistant-Foundation Chelsea.Sanderson@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1225 DepartmentsAlumni AffairsEducation FoundationOfficeSAB 111
Sanderson GraceGrace Sanderson Student Services Counselor Grace.Sanderson@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1174 DepartmentsEnrollment ManagementRegistrarOfficeSAB 118
Dr. Sargent JesseDr. Jesse Sargent Associate Professor of Psychology jsargent@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1634 DepartmentsPsychologyOfficeCEMC 109-EMore info
Sarmiento EmmanuelEmmanuel Sarmiento Systems Administrator esarmiento@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1336 DepartmentsCampus TechnologyOfficeSACC 108
Sauls PatsyPatsy Sauls Instructor of Computer Science psauls@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1425 DepartmentsComputer ScienceSchool of BusinessOfficeSOBE 233More info
Schaffer VickyVicky Schaffer Physical Operations Specialist vschaffer@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-4684 DepartmentsHousing and Residence LifeOfficeHousing Office
Dr. Schnibben George E. Jr.Dr. George E. Schnibben Jr. Professor Emeritus gschnibben@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1576 DepartmentsMathematicsOfficeLSF 409FMore info
Dr. Schnibben ThomasDr. Thomas Schnibben Assistant Professor of Mathematics Thomas.Schnibben@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1573 DepartmentsMathematicsOfficeLSF 409L
Schwartz JohnJohn Schwartz Part-time Instructor of Psychology jschwartz@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1374 DepartmentsPsychologyOfficeFH
Dr. Scofield Daniel R.Dr. Daniel R. Scofield Associate Professor of Mathematics Daniel.Scofield@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1583 DepartmentsMathematicsOfficeLSF L409J
Sconzo SierraSierra Sconzo Student Services Counselor Sierra.Sconzo@FMarion.edu Phone843-661-1190 DepartmentsEnrollment ManagementFinancial AssistanceOfficeSAB 117
Dr. Scott DamonDr. Damon Scott Professor of Mathematics dscott@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1586 DepartmentsMathematicsOfficeLSF 409OMore info
Scott Gabrielle B. DNP-EHL, MSN-NE, RNGabrielle B. Scott DNP-EHL, MSN-NE, RN Instructor of Nursing GScott@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1691 DepartmentsNursingSchool of Health SciencesOfficeLNB 129More info
Scroggins Jessica S.Jessica S. Scroggins Assistant Women's Softball Coach Jessica.Scroggins@FMarion.edu Phone843-661-4623 DepartmentsAthleticsOfficeACSB 210
Sears DorisDoris Sears Instructor of Mathematics dsears@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1564 DepartmentsMathematicsOfficeLSF 409S
Dr. Serrano Jan M.Dr. Jan M. Serrano Associate Professor of Finance, Area Coordinator of Finance jserrano@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1620 DepartmentsFinance-School of BusinessSchool of BusinessOfficeSOBE 228More info
Dr. Setzler Hubert H. IIIDr. Hubert H. Setzler III Professor of Management, Nellie Cooke Sparrow Professor of Business, MBA Director, Area Coordinator of Management HSetzler@FMarion.edu Phone843-661-1433 DepartmentsSchool of BusinessSupply Chain ManagementOfficeSOBE 131More info
Shannon Tawanda M.Tawanda M. Shannon Administrative Assistant- Facilities Tawanda.Shannon@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1100 DepartmentsFacilities ManagementOfficeFM-CP
Dr. Shannon Timothy E.Dr. Timothy E. Shannon Professor of Biology, Coordinator of Pre-Dental Program tshannon@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-4652 DepartmentsBiologyOfficeLSF 204H
Dr. Sharer ElizabethDr. Elizabeth Sharer Professor of Management esharer@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1808 DepartmentsSchool of BusinessSupply Chain ManagementOfficeSOBE 132More info
Shefton ElizabethElizabeth Shefton Executive Assistant to the President eshefton@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1210 DepartmentsPresident's OfficeOfficeSAB 110
Shin Delaney Me-SunDelaney Me-Sun Shin Assistant Professor of Fine Arts Delaney.Shin@Fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1680 DepartmentsFine ArtsOfficeHFAC 206
Dr. Shin Yong B.Dr. Yong B. Shin Professor of Management Information Systems, Area Coordinator of Management Information Systems yshin@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1426 DepartmentsInformation Systems ManagementSchool of BusinessOfficeSOBE 237More info
Shird TristanTristan Shird Administrative Assistant-Admissions Tristan.Shird@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1231 DepartmentsAdmissionsEnrollment ManagementOfficeSAB 113
Shockley Amy M.Amy M. Shockley Student Health Nurse Practitioner Amy.Shockley@FMarion.edu Phone843-661-1844 DepartmentsStudent Health ServicesStudent LifeOfficeHealth Services: UC 2nd Floor
Short BrendaBrenda Short Lead Custodian bshort@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1103 DepartmentsCustodial ServicesOfficeFM CP
Simmons BudBud Simmons Director, Performing Arts Center bsimmons@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1720 DepartmentsPerforming Arts CenterRegional and Community ProgramsSteven F. Gately GalleryOfficePAC 101-A
Dr. Simmons LindsayDr. Lindsay Simmons Associate Professor of Education, Co-Director COE - Teacher Retention and Induction in the Pee Dee (TRIP) lsimmons@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1466 DepartmentsCOE - Teacher Retention & Induction in the Pee Dee (TRIP)School of EducationOfficeSOBE 264 - Office hours are posted on syllabus. Please email to schedule an appointment.More info
Dr. Sims HunterDr. Hunter Sims Associate Professor of Physics Hunter.Sims@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1445 DepartmentsPhysics and EngineeringOfficeLSF 103 H
Sims-Brewton StevenSteven Sims-Brewton Head of Access Services, Betty Jean Windham Greer Associate, Professor of Library Science ssims@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1299 DepartmentsRogers LibraryOfficeRogers Library
Singletary DeborahDeborah Singletary Custodian dsingletary@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1103 DepartmentsCustodial ServicesOfficeFM CP
Singletary HaieashaHaieasha Singletary Associate Director of Financial & Auxiliary Operations hsingletary@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-4630 DepartmentsFinancial Services & Budget OfficeOfficeSAB 107
Singleton SuzanneSuzanne Singleton Emeritus Faculty, Former Head of Reference and Archivist, Years at Francis Marion University: 1988-2024 msingleton@fmarion.edu DepartmentsRogers LibraryOfficeMore info
Sistrunk Jessica B.Jessica B. Sistrunk Accountant Jessica.Sistrunk@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1130 DepartmentsAccountingOfficeSAB 104
Slocum Andrew T.Andrew T. Slocum Assistant Athletic Director for Compliance and Student Welfare aslocum@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1503 DepartmentsAthleticsOfficeUC 234
Dr. Slone J. HenryDr. J. Henry Slone Professor of Biology jsl@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1406 DepartmentsBiologyOfficeLSF 204B
Smalls JustinJustin Smalls Desktop Support Technician Justin.Smalls@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1609 DepartmentsCampus TechnologyOfficeSACC 108
Smalls Rachael D.Rachael D. Smalls Custodian Rae.Smalls@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1103 DepartmentsCustodial ServicesOfficeFM CP
Smith Adellia C.Adellia C. Smith Accountant-Accounts Receivable Adellia.Smith@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1129 DepartmentsAccountingOfficeSAB 103A
Smith JaniceJanice Smith Administrative Assistant - CASA jsmith@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1676 DepartmentsCareer CenterCenter for Academic Success and AdvisementOfficeFH 220
Smith Michael W.Michael W. Smith Student Conduct Coordinator Michael.Smith3@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1836 DepartmentsStudent ConductStudent LifeOfficeUC 205 B
Dr. Smith R. SethfieldDr. R. Sethfield Smith Pee Dee Electric Cooperative Professor of Physics rsmith@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1453 DepartmentsPhysics and EngineeringOfficeLSF 103DMore info
Dr. Smolen-Morton ShawnDr. Shawn Smolen-Morton Chair, Modern Languages, Professor of English ssmolenmorton@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1508 DepartmentsEnglishModern LanguagesOfficeCEMC 113 BMore info
Snapp Isaac DMSc, MPAS, PA-CIsaac Snapp DMSc, MPAS, PA-C Clinical Coordinator-Physician Assistant Program Isaac.Snaap@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-4668 DepartmentsPhysician Assistant StudiesSchool of Health SciencesOfficeCCHS 364
Sneed TammyTammy Sneed Administrative Assistant - English and Philosophy tsneed@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1371 DepartmentsEnglishEnglish and PhilosophyPhilosophy & Religious StudiesOfficeFH 155More info
Soles Jesse H.Jesse H. Soles Assistant Sports Information Director and Internal Operations Manager Jesse.Soles@FMarion.edu Phone843-661-1240 DepartmentsAthleticsOfficeUC237
Dr. Spear Rachel N.Dr. Rachel N. Spear Associate Professor of English, Director of Gender Studies Program rspear@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1506 DepartmentsEnglishEnglish and PhilosophyGender StudiesOfficeHC 109More info
Springs Christina MSN-NE, RNChristina Springs MSN-NE, RN Instructor of Nursing Christina.Springs@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-4658 DepartmentsNursingSchool of Health SciencesOfficeLNB 107More info
Squires John A.John A. Squires Communications Specialist John.Squires@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1150 DepartmentsBuilding MaintenanceOfficeWRHS
Stack AmandaAmanda Stack Assistant Professor of English Phone843-661-1608 DepartmentsEnglishEnglish and PhilosophyOfficeFH 116
Stack MarkMark Stack Library Specialist - Access Services mstack@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1304 DepartmentsRogers LibraryOfficeRogers Library
Stanton Lauren B.Lauren B. Stanton Vice President of Institutional Advancement & Executive Director Lauren.Stanton@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1200 DepartmentsEducation FoundationOfficeSAB 111
Steadman Allison M.Allison M. Steadman Associate Provost, Professor of Theatre Arts - Costume Design, Administrative Liaison with the National Consortium of Universities Studying Slavery ASteadman@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1685 DepartmentsFine ArtsProvost's OfficeOfficeHFAC 225More info
Dr. Steinmetz Jeffrey A.Dr. Jeffrey A. Steinmetz Professor of Biology, Director of the Freshwater Ecology Center jsteinmetz@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1404 DepartmentsBiologyFreshwater Ecology ComplexOfficeMSB 201EMore info
Stephens CharlotteCharlotte Stephens Senior Administrative Assistant - Psychology cstephens@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1641 DepartmentsPsychologyOfficeCEMC 109-HMore info
Stewart MarthaMartha Stewart Part-time Instructor of Psychology martha.stewart@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1624 DepartmentsPsychologyOfficeCEMC 109-K
Stewart-Carr ConnieConnie Stewart-Carr General Manager Connie.Carr@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1261 DepartmentsDining ServicesOffice
Dr. Stoeckmann Ann M.Dr. Ann M. Stoeckmann Emeritus Professor of Biology astoeckmann@fmarion.edu DepartmentsBiologyOfficeYears at FMU: 2004-2024
Stone VeldaVelda Stone Administrative Assistant- History, Sociology and Political Science VStone@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1374 DepartmentsHistoryPolitical ScienceSociologyOfficeFH 271
Strickland BenjaminBenjamin Strickland Supervisor of Maintenance Support/Maintenance Pool bstrickland@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1151 DepartmentsBuilding MaintenanceOfficeWHSE
Dr. Stroup David J.Dr. David J. Stroup Emeritus Professor of Biology DepartmentsBiologyOfficeYears at FMU: 1987-2015
Stuckey Lashana C.Lashana C. Stuckey Lead Teacher Lashana.Stuckey@FMarion.edu Phone843-661-1900 DepartmentsRegional and Community ProgramsRichardson Center for the ChildOfficeRCC
Suggs Betty N.Betty N. Suggs Marketing Coordinator Betty.Suggs@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1227 DepartmentsCommunicationsOfficeSAB 101F
Sullen Dennis M.Dennis M. Sullen Director of User Services & Desktop Support dsullen@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1333 DepartmentsCampus TechnologyOfficeSACC 108
Sullen LindaLinda Sullen Accountant-Payroll lsullen@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1396 DepartmentsAccountingOfficeSAB 111
Sumter KentrellKentrell Sumter Grounds Specialist Kentrell.Sumter@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1152 DepartmentsGrounds MaintenanceOfficeWRHS
Swartz CathyCathy Swartz Assistant Vice President for Accounting cswartz@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1122 DepartmentsAccountingOfficeSAB 103
Swedo Steven E.Steven E. Swedo Printing and Mailing Manager sswedo@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1282 DepartmentsMail CenterPrinting ServicesOfficeMail Center
Swilley Matthew S.Matthew S. Swilley Attorney-Part-Time Matt.Swilley@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1181 DepartmentsGeneral CounselOfficeSAB 111
Tarbell DonaldDonald Tarbell Chief of Police dtarbell@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1109 DepartmentsCampus PoliceOfficeCampus Police
Dr. Tatum Dillon S.Dr. Dillon S. Tatum Chair, Department of Political Science & Geography, Coordinator of Political Science and Criminal Justice, Associate Professor of Political Science dtatum@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1632 DepartmentsPolitical ScienceOfficeFH 129More info
Taylor Jennifer L.Jennifer L. Taylor Director of Sponsored Programs JTaylor@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1997 DepartmentsFinancial Services & Budget OfficeOfficeCCHS 345
Dr. Titanski-Hooper JenniferDr. Jennifer Titanski-Hooper Assistant Professor of Geography, Director of McNair Institute for Research and Service jtitanskihooper@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1619 DepartmentsGeographyPolitical ScienceRobert E. McNair Center for Research and ServiceOfficeHC 108More info
Todd AnnaAnna Todd Vice President of Communications ATodd@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1332 DepartmentsCommunicationsOfficeSAB 101
Todd ErinErin Todd Academic Advisor in CASA erin.todd@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1987 DepartmentsCenter for Academic Success and AdvisementOfficeFH 220More info
Tolson TraceyTracey Tolson Lieutenant ttolson@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1109 DepartmentsCampus PoliceOfficeCampus Police
Townsend Hal "Nick"Hal "Nick" Townsend Director of Events & Contractual Services Nick.Townsend@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1273 DepartmentsFinancial Services & Budget OfficeFreshwater Ecology ComplexOfficeSAB
Dr. Tracy Denise A. RangelDr. Denise A. Rangel Tracy Assistant Professor of Mathematics rangel.tracy@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1584 DepartmentsMathematicsOfficeLFS 409N
Turner DonnaDonna Turner Data Coordinator dturner@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-4634 DepartmentsAdmissionsEnrollment ManagementOfficeSAB 113
Dr. Turner Lorianne S.Dr. Lorianne S. Turner Professor of Biology, James B. Gray Chair of Microbiology, Coordinator of Pre-Physical/Occupational Therapy Program, Co-coordinator of Medical Laboratory Science Program lturner@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1670 DepartmentsBiologyOfficeMSB 201C
Dr. Turner Matthew W.Dr. Matthew W. Turner Associate Professor of Philosophy, Coordinator of Philosophy and Religious Studies Program mwturner@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-4695 DepartmentsEnglish and PhilosophyPhilosophy & Religious StudiesOfficeFH 234
Turner Pamela P.Pamela P. Turner Assistant Professor of Accounting pturner@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1804 DepartmentsAccounting-School of BusinessSchool of BusinessOfficeSOBE 239More info
Dr. Tuttle JonDr. Jon Tuttle Emeritus Faculty of English, 2013-2014 Distinguished Faculty, Years at Francis Marion University: 1990-2024 jtuttle@fmarion.edu DepartmentsEnglishEnglish and PhilosophyOfficeMore info
Dr. Vacharasin JanayDr. Janay Vacharasin Assistant Professor of Biology Janay.Vacharasin@FMarion.edu Phone843-661-1566 DepartmentsBiologyOfficeLSF 204JMore info
Vallee StaceyStacey Vallee Head Women's Softball Coach svallee@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1238 DepartmentsAthleticsOfficeUC 234