AAC Palooza


Coleman-Singleton 5K In-Person


FGRBI and Coaching Workshop

event flyer

Please email scshaed@gmail.com if you have any questions.


9:00-9:15am – Introduction to Routines-Based Intervention
9:15-9:45am – Using Standardized and Authentic Developmental Assessments to Determine Child’s Level of Functional Participation in Everyday Routines
9:45-10:00am – Writing High-Quality Participation-Based Outcomes
10:00-10:30am – The SS-OO-PP-RR Model for Family Guided Routines Based Intervention
10:30-10:45am – Break
10:45-12:15pm – Caregiver Coaching: What it Looks Like and What it Doesn’t Look Like
12:15-12:30pm – Conclusion and Questions

Participants will learn how to coach caregivers to engage their young children in learning as they participate in everyday routines and activities that are functional and meaningful to them.

Videos demonstrating the SSOOPPRR Family-Centered Early Intervention Home Visit Model will be analyzed to promote recommended intervention practices.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Participants will identify methods for obtaining a thick description of child and family functioning to help families decide on outcomes/goals for their individualized plans.
  2. Participates will identify the components of a functional participation-based outcome.
  3. Participants will practice developing a routines-based intervention plan.
  4. Participants will discuss the components of the SSOOPPRR Family-Centered Early Intervention Home Visit Model.
  5. Participants will identify key indicators for successful caregiver coaching.

Presented by: Frances Burns, Ph.D., CCC-SLP

Frances Burns, Ph.D., CCC-SLP is an Assistant Professor of Speech-Language Pathology, Chair of the Department of Speech-Language Pathology, and Director of the Center for Speech, Language and Hearing at Francis Marion University in Florence, South Carolina. She completed her master’s degree in Speech and Hearing Sciences at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill with specialized training in Early Intervention. She earned her doctorate in Communication Disorders from the University of Massachusetts Amherst with an emphasis in child language acquisition and disorders, African American English, and psycholinguists. She completed a Postdoctoral Research Fellowship at Vanderbilt University.

Dr. Burns is a licensed and certified speech-language pathologist and has extensive experience practicing and teaching courses in communication sciences and disorders. Child language acquisition and disorders, and Early Intervention are the primary focus for the courses she teaches. She has authored manuscripts in peer-reviewed journals, and she presents papers at conferences locally, nationally, and internationally.

  • Financial Disclosures: Presenter will receive an honorarium for presenting this session and is a faculty member at Francis Marion University.
  • Non-Financial Disclosures: Presenter is a collaborator for Family Guided Routines Based Intervention




Trainings will take place at Francis Marion University, Leatherman Medical Education Complex (LMEC), 201 West Evans St. Florence, SC 29501.

Get more information or contact Kay Neilson at 339-309-9508.


FMU MSLP NSSLHA Members participated in “Community Helpers Recognition Week” for a local kindergarten classroom.  If you’ve ever wondered about where and how a Speech Language Pathologist can have a positive impact in their community, then check out this video to see how our change makers are making a difference!