
The institution complies with the policies of the Commission on Colleges. (Policy compliance)

3.13.2 “Agreements Involving Joint and Dual Academic Awards: Policy and Procedures”

Applicable Policy Statement. Member institutions are responsible for notifying and providing SACSCOC with signed final copies of agreements governing their collaborative academic arrangements (as defined in this policy). These arrangements must address the requirements set forth in the collaborative academic arrangements policy and procedures. For all such arrangements, SACSCOC-accredited institutions assume responsibility for (1) the integrity of the collaborative academic arrangements, (2) the quality of credits recorded on their transcripts, and (3) compliance with accreditation requirements.

Documentation: The institution should provide evidence that it has reported to the Commission all collaborative academic arrangements (as defined in this policy) that included signed final copies of the agreements. In addition, the institution should integrate into the Compliance Certification a discussion and determination of compliance with all standards applicable to the provisions of the agreements.

Compliance Judgment

X      In compliance     Partially compliant     Non-compliant     Not applicable


Francis Marion has a dual degree program with Clemson University, a SACSCOC accredited institution. This program was initiated in 1980 [1-scroll down to next page]. The most recent signed Memorandum of Understanding is attached [2]. The most recent Memorandum of Understanding which will be effective from July 1, 2017 – June 30, 2022 is attached [3] and is being routed through Clemson University officers for signatures [4]. A copy of the signed agreement will be sent to SACSCOC when it is returned to Francis Marion.

There was only one revision to the document. In Section 1, “During the first three terms at Francis Marion” was changed to “During the first two years at Francis Marion.”


  1. Excerpt from 1980-1981 Francis Marion College Catalog
  2. Signed MOU between Francis Marion and Clemson Universities
  3. MOU between Francis Marion and Clemson Universities, July 1, 2017-June 30, 2022, Which is Being Routed Through Clemson
  4. E-mail Correspondence between Derek Jokisch, FM Dual-Degree Program Coordinator, and Karen Thompson, Clemson CECAS Advisor and Transfer Coordinator