
The institution ensures that users have access to regular and timely instruction in the use of the library and other learning/information resources. (Instruction of library use)

Compliance Judgment

X      In compliance     Partially compliant     Non-compliant


To offer one-on-one personal assistance and instruction to library users, reference librarians are scheduled to staff the library’s Information Desk for 85.5 hours each week [1]. Rogers Library delivers library instruction to classes upon request from teaching faculty. Library instruction involves teaching library research skills in a classroom setting. The library also provides introductory orientation sessions to University Life 100 classes and some first-year composition classes, which involves a walk-through of the building to educate students about resources and services. Orientation sessions may also include brief instruction on the online catalog and library databases.

Library instruction classes are tailored to the needs of the course and based on instructor’s requests. Typically, students are taught how to search the online catalog and article databases, use reference books and e-books, find government information, search the Internet, and cite sources. Library instruction is regularly provided to University Life 100 and first-year composition courses. Additionally, the library gives instruction to classes in business, education, history, nursing, physics, psychology, and sociology on an annual basis. During the 2015-2016 academic year, Francis Marion’s library staff presented 59 library orientation classes [2].

In addition to formal classroom instruction, students receive one-on-one instruction through consultation at the reference desk, which is provided by reference staff daily. In 2015-2016, the library catered to the needs of 144,610 visitors [3], and 4,769 of them had reference questions [4]. A chat reference service provided assistance to 261 queries, and phone questions totaled 275 [5]. An email service also provided reference assistance when the chat service was not available. The library’s social media platforms include Facebook and Twitter, and a Comments box allow communication with the dean.

In 2015, FMU received 375 student survey responses addressing the effectiveness and usefulness of the library [6]. The surveys indicate that 90% of students who reported that they received library instruction rated it as “good” or “excellent,” and 97% of respondents agreed the library staff was helpful in meeting their needs [7].

The library received 59 surveys from faculty on the library’s effectiveness in 2015 [8]. In the surveys, 55 faculty members rated the library as “excellent,” “good,” or “fair” in the availability of resources.  Thirty-three faculty who responded to a question on library instruction said that they believed library instruction given to their classes was effective—97% of those who used the service [9].

On faculty post-instruction feedback from 2015-16, satisfaction with library instruction was rated 9.9 on a scale of 10. Also, faculty rated the relevancy of the instruction at 9.9 [10]. Student learning assessment has been collected from library instruction to University Life 100 and first-year composition courses. Data from 2015-16 shows that over 91% of students scored 75% or higher on the assessment [11]. Focus groups have been held in 2012 and 2016 with the purpose of learning how students use the library and what their study habits are. They have reported that librarians have been especially helpful with providing help with assignments.

Librarians give instruction sessions outside of the library on request and are available for classroom instruction at any campus location. Instruction has been delivered in Lee Nursing Building, Founders Hall (business, English writing lab, sociology), and Cauthen Educational Media Center (education).

Instruction is also offered via Blackboard Collaborate to classes of faculty teaching online courses; however, this service has not been utilized thus far. Additionally, the library furthers it instructional outreach with tutorials on its webpage on a variety of topics. They are created by staff of Rogers Library, and provided by databases, YouTube, or other libraries:

  • Orientation video
  • ARTstor tutorial
  • Call number tutorial
  • Ebsco eBooks: Checkout and Download
  • RN to BSN Library Orientation
  • The African American Collection [12].


  1. Annual Report of the James A. Rogers Library, Staff, p. 9
  2. Annual Report of the James A. Rogers Library, Reference/Information Classes, p. 59
  3. Annual Report of the James A. Rogers Library, Usage, p. 51
  4. Annual Report of the James A. Rogers Library, Services, p. 2
  5. Annual Report of the James A. Rogers Library, Reference, p. 64
  6. Annual Report of the James A. Rogers Library, Student Library Survey, p. 44
  7. Annual Report of the James A. Rogers Library, Student Library Survey, p. 45
  8. Annual Report of the James A. Rogers Library, Faculty Library Survey, p. 46
  9. Annual Report of the James A. Rogers Library, Availability of Library’s Resources, p. 48
  10. Annual Report of the James A. Rogers Library, Reference/Information Classes, p. 59
  11. Annual Report of the James A. Rogers Library, Library Assessment Report, p. 42
  12. James A. Rogers Library Website, Online and Distance Courses